Conditions for answered prayer
When you wait for answers to prayer, do you question whether the way you pray is wrong or perhaps if God has forgotten about you? There are some conditions set out in Scripture when we pose our requests to the Lord.
Praying for the sick
If you have a deep desire to pray for the sick, this desire was most probably put in your heart by the Holy Spirit, and all you need to do is to avail yourself of Him.
Signs of true repentance
A truly repentant person is zealous about casting off and turning away from their wrongdoings, even at great cost. This zeal is worked by the precious Holy Spirit within.
Pray for your husband
As time goes by, it can become more difficult to keep regular times of fellowship with your husband. However, you can pray for your husband daily and ask the Lord to make it possible in the near future to increase the time you spend together as a couple in fellowship, but also in prayer.
Bibles everywhere!
Children can pray for every person of every nation to come to know the Lord and to have their own Bible in their own language.
Pray for the government
A battle is under way in the air for political rule in each country. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 has clear instructions that we should pray “for kings and all those in authority.” How can we be faithful in praying for our nation?
The believer’s access to God’s throne
Our heavenly Father desires for us to come boldly before His throne of grace and we can have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place.
The Cambuslang Revival – Scotland (1741-1744)
“The power of God was present from one end of the crowd to the other like lightning flashing across; you could see thousands bathed in tears, some wringing their hands, others almost swooning, and others crying out …” (Ook beskikbaar in Afrikaans)
Pray for your wife
Do you sometimes think what it would be like to have a fresh start in your relationship with your wife? You can start to pray for her and your relationship right now.
Reflecting His glory
The word ‘glory’ means very great praise, honour, or distinction bestowed by common consent. To live a life that glorifies God is the most wonderful privilege given to man.
Continuous answers to prayer
God teaches us in Scripture that there are certain things that are of utmost importance for intercession. We could call them preconditions for prayer.
Men can say “No”
When men live pure and holy lives according to God’s standards, it is reflected in their marriages. It makes their families holy, it spills over into their congregation and influences their workplace, and ultimately also society.
Embracing the Desert Season
Every person experiences desert seasons in their lifetime, both physically and spiritually. How do we endure our desert seasons in a way that is pleasing to our Lord?
Practical prayerwalking ideas
The desire for people to do something practical while praying for their community is a valid one. Not everyone likes sitting down and praying through a list. We have put together prayerwalking ideas that can be used to saturate communities with prayer.
Praying for teachers
Being a teacher is one of the most challenging careers anyone can choose to follow. Teachers often have to deal with difficult classroom situations, while they themselves sometimes experience problems in their personal lives.
Facing the holiday season
A few days ago, I stepped into an elevator with a lady who immediately started talking to me: “I’m on my way to my room now. I am going to sit there until this is over! Because I have no money…” How do we survive the festive season?
Let them know that they are not alone
Mental health has been stigmatised to the extent where people are ashamed to talk about depression, anxiety or contemplating suicide. Pray for those suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts, and let them know that they are not alone.
The significance of Christ’s coming
Jesus’ first coming to earth and His life here was marked by the fulfilment of many prophecies. The one prophecy and promise by Jesus Himself that believers are expectantly waiting for, is His return.
Opposed for following Christ
We can easily lose sight of the opposition many Christians face from their own families, their circle of friends and workplace even in countries where there is religious freedom and where Christians are in the majority. How can they remain standing?
The grand design of Christian Persecution
The central theme for the global Church in the 21st century church is still: Blessed are the Persecuted.
The authority of the Bible
People have subjected the Word of God to innumerable attacks. It has been burned, discredited, questioned, and made suspect; yet the Word is still standing. People come and go, but the Word remains forever.
Desperate prayers
Desperate prayer is like someone drowning, gasping for air. It is to grasp at God with hope – on the basis of His character, His promises, the blood, the cross, His covenant, His invitation and His throne of grace.
How to discern open and closed doors
There are several Biblical principles by which we can discern, through the help of the Holy Spirit, whether an open door before us is within the will and purposes of God for our lives. It is vital
to consider these in every season of our lives.
Experiencing God’s peace
‘Peace’ means different things to different people. Some people long for rest, silence, and a conflict and problem-free life. However, true peace inside and around us can never be found apart from the Prince of Peace.
Beholding God in prayer and praise
How do we behold God? One way is to look at how Scripture describes Him and how those in heaven respond who behold Him day and night!
Me, an evangelist?
All of us have the opportunity to share Jesus and we trust the Holy Spirit to work in each life we minister to every time we step out in obedience to do this. Our focus should be on looking for opportunities to speak about Jesus every day.
Sitting at the feet of Jesus
We often forget God in the craziness of our busy lives. But God wants worshippers before workers; indeed the only acceptable workers are those who have learned the lost art of worship (A. W. Tozer).
Die Cambuslang herlewing – Skotland (1741-1744)
Die krag van God het soos ’n weerligstraal deur die skare beweeg. Mense se harte was gebreek oor hulle sonde en die gekruisigde Verlosser. (Also available in English)
Prayerfully address panic, fear and anxiety
Everyone experiences fear, anxiety or even a panic attack at times. Once you have discerned the origin of the fear or anxiety you experience, what can you practically do or pray to stop it?
Preparing for revival
In recent years the Holy Spirit has been prodding many of God’s servants on the coming revival, so as to prepare His Church for what some predict will be one of the greatest visitations of God in history.
Focus on God amid suffering
Have you experienced times when it seems God is far away? Or when everything seemingly goes wrong and it becomes difficult to understand or feel that God is still present to hear your prayers?
Gen Z – finding identity in Christ
Young people are bombarded with so many influences from the world and media. Who are the Gen Zers and what giants do they face? How can the church help them to find their identity in Christ so they can walk in continued victory?
The Holy Spirit in the life of the believer
The Holy Spirit is the most misunderstood member of the Trinity. He has been treated as if He were an outsider in many Christian circles. However, the Bible clearly states what the Holy Spirit does for us, in us and through us as Believers.
Reaching out to your community
God gives each one of His children the privilege to take part in the great task of building His Kingdom. Every believer in Christ has a role to play and we can all make a difference in our communities.
When a natural disaster strikes
Do you sometimes feel helpless as images of people in crisis flash across your screens? How can you pray and not feel overwhelmed as several disasters continue to hit the globe? Here are some prayer guidelines.
Invitation to tabernacle with God
Do you desire a deeper walk with the Lord? Through the Tabernacle in the Old Testament, God revealed to Moses how He wanted Israel to draw closer to Him. In Jesus Christ we have a New Testament model of how to draw near to God.
Abiding in Jesus
Abiding in Jesus brings a promise and reward of sustenance, both now and for eternity. What does abiding in Jesus mean?
Jesus’ blood shed for us
With the precious blood of Christ we were redeemed and our sins forgiven. We are now reconciled with our heavenly Father and have boldness to enter the Holiest place. Let us pour out thanksgiving to the Lord, our Saviour!
Ministering to the terminally ill
Churches seldom teach their members how to minister to unbelievers who are terminally ill. So how can one practically reach out to them in a way that will minister the gospel to them?
Tips for a daily Bible reading habit
The Word of God is the very sustenance of every believer’s spiritual life. So, take up regular Bible reading with renewed fervour!
Things to avoid in marriage
Although there is a lot of good advice available as to ‘what to do’ in marriage, it is often the ‘what not to do’ guidelines that serve us best.
With God in the eye of the storm
As women we are often under a lot of pressure and much is expected of us. Is your life creating a storm or are you like a haven?
Praying and fasting for a nation in crisis
Across the globe, nations are in crisis with more natural disasters, wars and adverse circumstances arising everywhere. How do we know what to pray as matters worsen daily and new calamities come?
When someone has lost their job
Hearing “You are fired” or “We are laying off personnel” can be the hardest words for a person to hear. How does one pray for someone (or yourself) who has lost a job and has not yet found something else?
Who am I in Christ?
It may be difficult for you to believe everything the Word says about you, but remember that it is God who is saying these things about you. Rather believe God than your own feelings.
Pray for a City or Town
We cannot pray for our town or city unless we love it and its people. Ask the Lord for a prayer in your heart such as John Knox’s when he prayed: “Lord, give me Scotland or I die!”
Virtual prayerwalking
We do not need to live close by to people and places in need of prayer, as we are connected virtually through so many means.
Our prayer responsibility in the marketplace
There is a difference between a career and a calling. A person’s calling has priority over their career, also in the marketplace.
7 Difficult things we have to pray
As sons and daughters of our heavenly Father, it is our joy to be obedient in praying for every matter near to His heart, however hard it may seem at the time.
The right way to do an Esther fast
What does it mean to do an Esther fast? When do you do an Esther fast? It is important to understand the context of a biblical ‘Esther fast’ and how Believers can apply it to their own lives today.
Who am I?
Children and young people are in a process of finding their identity. It is important for us as adults to guide our children and help them to get Biblical answers to their identity questions.
Seeking God’s direction
Although we all have a unique relationship with the Lord, the Bible gives us safeguards, principles and guidelines that help us discern what God’s will is for us in different situations.
How do we manage to give thanks to God after a year filled with seemingly unending challenges? G.K. Chesterton said: “When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted, or you take them with gratitude”.
Honouring Jesus – the ‘I AM’
Seeking Jesus’ face by praying His Word is one sure way to draw closer to Him – Jesus is the Living Word! (John 1:1) Let us pray through the I AM statements of Jesus and honour Him.
Be still
Taking a moment to reflect on your year allows you to see it from God’s perspective and helps you realign yourself with God’s purposes before the start of the new year. This will give you much peace and confidence in Him, whatever lies ahead in the next year.
Be on fire for God without burning out
Usually, one does not end up burnt out due to hard work alone. Burnout is also accompanied by emotional and spiritual fatigue, leaving a person so tired that they struggle to regain equilibrium.
Healing from trauma
When we experience trauma it can cause us to wonder: Where was God when this happened?
Helping the Persecuted Church from home
Many missionaries are oppressed, mocked, imprisoned or beaten for sharing the gospel in countries where religious persecution is common. They endure enormous risk to keep sharing Christ with unreached peoples. You may ask the question – what can I do?
Christian persecution is a reality
In 2021, 360 million Christians lived in countries where persecution was “significant”. Nigeria has 4 out of 5 martyrs worldwide and Afghanistan’s persecution is now worse than North Korea. They want to know we are praying with them.
The blessings of suffering and persecution
What happens in the life of an individual facing and going through hardship and persecution for their faith in Christ? In this article, we will look at what the Word says about the blessings of persecution.
What the Bible says about Christian suffering and persecution
Throughout history, believers were persecuted for their faith. And persecution is still happening in many parts of the world today. What does the Bible say about the different types of hardships that a believer may be faced with?
Entering the Lord’s house of prayer (2)
Praying the ‘Our Father’ prayer can be likened to entering a spiritual house. In a sense, every part of the prayer can be viewed as a room of treasure to be explored. In this second article on the topic, we reflect on the last few facets of the ‘Our Father’ prayer.
Entering the Lord’s house of prayer (1)
Praying the ‘Our Father’ prayer can be likened to entering a spiritual house. In a sense, every part of the prayer can be viewed as a whole room of treasure to be explored in prayer. We reflect on each facet in two consecutive articles.
Fasting and prayer – a biblical discipline
Many faithful Christians from the Old Testament to modern times fasted and prayed, and they lived extraordinary lives in God’s Kingdom.
Crowns for Christ’s glory
Have you ever wondered how you can honour the Lord more with your life? Scripture is filled with guidelines of what a life pleasing unto God looks like. Scripture also mentions the ‘crowns’ God has prepared for those who believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Word is alive and powerful
The Word is powerful because God has authority and power. God will never break His Word, just as He will never break His covenant with the day and with the night (Jer.33:20). Flowers may drop off and grass whither, but the Word of the Lord endures forever. (1 Peter 1:24-25).
How not to pray
When Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, he also told them how they should not pray. Clearly this is important to remember in our own prayer life.
12 Characteristics of people who strive after holiness (Part 2)
This is the second article of two parts looking at the characteristics of people who strive after holiness.
12 Characteristics of people who strive after holiness (Part 1)
What is true practical holiness? This article is the first of two parts looking at the characteristics of people who strive after holiness.
Rising above the storm
Are you feeling overwhelmed by everyday challenges and life in general? Perhaps you feel that God may have forgotten you, or perhaps that your prayers are not reaching His heart and ear. What does the Lord expect from us when facing challenges?
Are you called to the ministry?
Everyone is called to ministry, but only some are called to the ministry. How will you know if you are called to the ministry?
When God is silent
When you read the Psalms, you will often hear David say: “Lord, where are you? Why are you silent? Why don’t you speak to me?” What must we do in such times?
Keep your marriage affair-free
Many marriages, Christian included, suffer devastation through one spouse having an extra-marital affair. Temptation is never far away. If you recognise some of the warning signs in your relationship, know that you can find your way back to safe ground.
A virtuous woman
Proverbs 31:10-31 describes the virtuous woman who has a godly character and whose faith is firmly set on her Maker. How can we use this example to pray for ourselves and for other women?
Women – a great host
Women can hold on to the hope of the Lord’s promise that He has given His word of power to enable them to rise above their circumstances, to be bearers of hope and transformation.
Prayers of Blessing
To bless others and to be a blessing to people should be an integral part of every believer’s character and conduct. That includes praying the blessing of the Lord over them.
Go on to maturity
Faith does not make room for ‘treading water’ and stagnant faith will cause your heart to harden and drift away from God. The Book of Hebrews urges readers to go on to maturity in their faith and to not remain spiritual babies.
The Fatherhood of God
In your relationship with God and other people, you will only continue to grow if you continuously experience a deeper and fuller revelation of the Fatherhood of God.
Growing concern for global food security
“We are facing hunger on an unprecedented scale, food prices have never been higher, and millions of lives and livelihoods are hanging in the balance.” Ordinary solutions alone will not solve the problem.
Becoming a Praying Congregation
It was very dear to Jesus’ heart and also a command from Him that the church should be a house of prayer (Matt.21:13), but this is one of the greatest challenges for churches.
Praying the names of Jesus in Revelation 1-3
The Book of Revelation is the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ (Rev 1:1). There are at least 20 names of the Lord Jesus found in chapters 1-3 and it is important that we focus on them.
The names of God in Psalm 23
Pausing and praying slowly through Psalm 23 unveils the character of God in greater depth, lighting up truths that can otherwise easily be missed.
The character of God and names of the Holy Spirit
Knowing and understanding God’s character, commands and works, will help us to discern His will and voice through the Holy Spirit.
Praying for grandchildren
Let us share our desires for our grandchildren with the Lord. When we pray according to His will, we know that He hears us and will answer our prayers (1 John 5:14-15).
Is your heart in your prayer?
If the prayers you pray do not move your own heart, do you think it will move the heart of God?
Keys to prayer from Psalm 86
In Psalm 86 David touches on 10 attitudes of the heart when coming before God in prayer.
20 Guidelines for effective prayer
Why are my prayers not answered? Why does it take so long for certain prayers to be answered? Is there a different way in which to pray that will render my prayers more effective?
Pray the Lord of the harvest
Prayer is crucial in evangelism: Only God can change the heart of someone who is in rebellion against Him. No matter how logical our arguments or how fervent our appeals are, our words will accomplish nothing unless God’s Spirit prepares the way.
When to be silent
Have you ever felt upset with yourself for saying something that was unnecessary? It is possible for us to grow in wisdom to discern those times the enemy wants to tempt us into saying or doing things that are really not displaying the fruit of the Spirit or the character of Christ.
Praying 15 promises of the Cross
The Book of Peter says that God’s promises transform us into more than mere ‘flesh and blood’. Focusing on these promises literally has the power to form the image of Christ in us!
Pray for Sikhs
Sikhism is based on the teachings of the ten Gurus contained in ‘Guru Granth Sahib’. Their pursuit is forever to strive for salvation through balancing work, worship and charity. They don’t know yet that Jesus is their only Saviour.
A man of God is a mystery
A man of God commands respect without words and he is awe-inspiring, but it is not respect and awe regarding the man himself. In an inexplicable way, we instinctively know that God is in this man. Why are there so few men of God?
10 Ways to set your mind on things above
In order to trust God for the impossible and to live a life that honours Him, we need an intentional focus on something other than what can be seen. Our focus is to be on things above, where God is (Colossians 3:1). How do we do that?
Study the Word like Billy Graham
We take a look at Billy Graham’s own description of how he studied the Bible and see if we can’t find some good advice and encouragement for our own study in the Word.
Prayer thoughts for childless couples
There are more childless couples than we realise. Many have tried everything humanly possible without success and they struggle physically, emotionally and spiritually. How can you pray if this is you?
Be a cheerful giver!
Our God is both gracious and compassionate. As we choose to follow Him, He wants us to follow His example and be kind and open-hearted.
How should we live in perilous times?
The dire state of the world right now is troubling and brings fear and anxiety in the hearts of many. Instead of looking for an escape from these things, we are called by Scripture to complete our Father’s Kingdom mission.
Why conversion and revival are Biblical
Some in the Church wonder whether conversion, and its corporate expression, revival, are not just manifestations of Western individualistic thinking. What does the Bible say?
God needs men (Part 3)
The power of God works through men who consecrate their lives to God. This is the last article in our 3-part series exploring the characteristics of such men.
Connecting with God
Connecting with God can easily be mistaken as having a specific ‘feeling’ or ‘experience’ when praying. Although that can serve as a great bonus, what can you do when you do not feel or experience anything?
Connecting your child to Jesus
The age of a child and their experience will determine how able they are to pray. However, listen to the prayers of a child concerning someone or something that is close to their heart, and you will hear the fervency with which they can pray.
God needs men (Part 2)
The power of God works through men who consecrate their lives to God. In this 3-part series we explore the characteristics of such men. This is part two in the series.
Way to go… 2022
Do all the 2’s in 2022 also catch your eye? There will always be the choice between walking in the Spirit or walking in the flesh. Which will it be for you in the new year?
Was it a mountain top or valley year?
Whether the past year was a “mountain top” or a “valley of despair” year for you, pause a moment to reflect.
Gracefully sharing Jesus
Nobody likes a rude person, but often Christians leave such an impression when they share their testimony or faith. So, how can you gracefully share your faith with an unbeliever?
Prayers for first responders
We must pray for our first responders e.g. Police service, Fire and rescue service, Medical and Emergency response teams. Added to the tragic and devastating situations that they are exposed to, they are sometimes hindered to do their work with efficiency due to corruption, violence and mismanagement.
God needs men (Part 1)
When God wants to do something in the world, He always looks for a person through whom he can do it. The power of God works through men who consecrate their lives to God. In this 3-part series we will explore the characteristics of such men.
Child abuse is serious in God’s eyes
Child abuse has a serious longterm impact on a person. To know and recognise the signs of possible child abuse is the responsibility of all adults, especially Christians. We must know what to pray regarding this issue.
God wants to heal broken families
Families are a precious gift from God that should not be taken for granted, so when issues do arise, we need to turn to God and ask Him to intervene.
Standing alone for Jesus
You might come under pressure to lower your standards or your commitment, or even deny Jesus. Jesus encourages us to stay faithful to Him, despite opposition. By doing that, we may find that we stand alone.
Hear our Prayer: James Edwin Orr for Revival
In the words of a hymn written by James Edwin Orr, he asks God for revival. Pray fervently that God will bring us revival in our lifetime, and that He would start with each one of us.
Missionaries working in “closed” countries
There is a great need for missionaries in countries where Christians are persecuted, but many steer away from these harvest fields due to the challenges and dangers they will face.
Read, study and obey the Bible
You can gain a lot of information from studying the Bible, but if you do not move from information to obedience, you will not grow and your study of the Bible will be of no real benefit to you.
Children and prayer: practical activities
As Christians, we desire for our children to remain true to their identity in Christ. So we have to create opportunities to teach them the ways of the Lord and how to pray. Practical activities are provided to share with children.
Hear our Prayer: Charles Spurgeon for the touch of the Holy Spirit
May this prayer by Charles Spurgeon inspire and encourage you to pray for the touch of the Holy Spirit!
5 Areas a man needs to gain victory in
As men we want to show our strength, make our stand, show ourselves strong and able. These can be good, but only when they are birthed from the Spirit of God and from a heart of humility and brokenness.
Love the stranger
Foreigners seeking a better future in another nation is a reality across the globe. There are many reasons why people seek to rebuild their lives in a different country. Some of these are very serious and life-threatening reasons. What does God say about the way we are to treat these “strangers”?
A prayer for elderly parents
Let us commit to intercede for our elderly parents before the throne of grace. God cares about them, and we should not neglect to pray for them.
Hear our Prayer: Thomas à Kempis to Rest in Jesus
This series, Hear our Prayer, gives us a glimpse into the prayer lives of saints who have gone before us. In this prayer, Thomas à Kempis asks for the ability to rest in Jesus above all else.
Warning signs of a lukewarm Christian life
You want to be sure that you run your race of faith in Christ with passion and zeal. So, is it possible to spot when you are at risk of becoming lukewarm in your relationship with the Lord? What would be some warning signs to look out for?
Being a man of God
No man can be flawless. We are all humans. We make mistakes and we commit sin. To be a man of God is something that happens in the heart of a person. The question is: What is in your heart? What is flowing from your heart?
Asking for God’s blessings for obedience
Pray that obedience to do God’s will might increase in the hearts of our people, and that He will pour out His blessings on the nation.
Hear our Prayer: Andrew Murray about Listening to God
This prayer by Andrew Murray speaks of the importance of making time to listen to God, rather than just speaking to Him.
Pray the Word about the Word
Praying Scripture over our lives remains the single most important prayer we can pray! Ask the Holy Spirit to establish the Word in your heart so that it becomes part of you – influencing the way you pray, think and live.
The Andrew Principle
Make a list of names and regularly pray for the unsaved, other Christians and the nations. Follow the Andrew Principle.
Praying for someone whose parent has died
Death is always traumatic and even more so when you lose one of your parents. How do I pray for someone whose parent has died?
Hear our Prayer: Horatius Bonar about Praise
This series, Hear our Prayer, gives us a glimpse into the prayer lives of saints who have gone before us. May this prayer and hymn by Horatius Bonar inspire and encourage us to fill every part of our lives with praise.
10 Salvation Scriptures to pray
God is even more concerned about the salvation of the unsaved than we are. Therefore we can boldly come before His throne of grace, pleading for their salvation.
15 Things fathers can pray for their sons
It’s difficult for boys to develop into men and fathers, without a father’s presence. A father’s life, example and prayers determine to a great extent his son’s life.
Hear our Prayer: Charles Spurgeon for revival
In the series, Hear our Prayer, we look at prayers of saints who have gone before us. May this prayer of Spurgeon stir a desire for revival in your heart.
Pray for the medical profession
Many people in the medical profession regularly have to work very long hours and have to deal with all kinds of stressful situations at work. Let us pray for them and for the conditions at medical facilities. (Ook beskikbaar in Afrikaans)
Bid vir die mediese professie
Baie mense in die mediese professie moet gereeld baie lang ure werk en het dikwels nie die nodige toerusting om hulle werk te doen nie. Vir baie is dit moeilik om die druk te hanteer. Laat ons vir hulle en vir die toestande by mediese fasiliteite bid.
14 Things to pray for men
Men have such an important God-given place and role in society, in the church and especially in families. Let us pray for their protection from evil and for them to receive strength and ability to take up their God-given role and mandate.
To battle on your knees for your children
Whenever you pray for your child, do it as if you are interceding for his or her life – because that’s exactly what you are doing. Be diligent in praying for your children.
Scriptures for times of anxiety, fear and doubt
In the Word of God there are many comforting promises which deal directly with fear and anxiety. Hold on to the Word of God and his eternal promises.
The vocabulary of salvation
We look at brief definitions of key words regarding the aspects of salvation in the life of every Believer.
What are proclamations?
When we act according to God’s Word (God’s will) and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit proclaim the truths of God, these proclamations become mighty ‘agents’ of change in the world.
30 Proclamations about Jesus
Worthy is our Lord Jesus Christ! This article provides 30 Scriptures you can pray from your Bible about the person and character of the Lord Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to lay them as a foundation of faith in your heart, mind and spirit.
Meditating on the Word
Meditating on the Word will become a time that you will treasure every day. Meditation is focussed repetition of Scripture verse(s) or phrase(s) with the focus on gaining a deeper understanding or revelation of God’s intention for you, or just simply of the verse/phrase itself.
Praying as a single parent
When one parent has to take all the responsibility of caring for children, it requires massive adjustments and a host of coping skills. How do you pray for yourself and your children as a single parent?
Time in prayer – practical tips
While people honestly want to spent time with God, they simply just do not know where to start and what to do. In this article we provide some practical guidelines to help you spend the desired time with the Lord.
A priest that prays
It is important to understand that as priests of God, all Christians are now called to priestly intercession. Jesus is our great High Priest. As a priest, His role is that of intercessor and we would do well to emulate Him.
Pray for someone who has suffered pregnancy loss
Having a miscarriage or having a stillborn baby, is devastating. After such an event a woman may enter a time of deep sadness and even depression. We have a look at what and how we can pray for these grieving women.
Is a prayer position important?
Is one prayer position better than another? Scripture does not really recommend a specific prayer position, but it does identify some distinct physical prayer positions of different people in the Bible.
Aspects of salvation (Part 2): Justification, sanctification and fruit of the Spirit
Some aspects of salvation and the terminology used can be complicated. This is the second article in our 2-part series providing brief summaries of these sometimes complicated terms.
Aspects of Salvation (Part 1): Sin, iniquity and transgressions
Some aspects of salvation and the terminology used can be complicated. In a 2-part series we provide brief summaries of these sometimes complicated terms. In this first article the focus is on sin, iniquity and transgressions.
6 Different types of prayer
The Bible is filled with examples of many different types of prayers and uses different words to describe the practice. For example, 1 Timothy 2:1 says, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.”
A Biblical Mandate for 24/7 Prayer
During harvest time (also in the spiritual sense), the services of watchmen are essential. All over the world it is now harvest time, that is why we currently need watchmen – to watch over God’s harvest (Joh.17:12) and to protect it.
Praying from lists – yes or no?
‘Not all intercessors always use lists, but keeping a prayer list has both a Biblical basis and a practical significance for meaningful intercession’. – Dick Eastman
How to pray about abortion
Many women have had one or more abortions, and thousands are currently considering having an abortion. An estimated 200,000 abortions take place in South Africa every year. How can we pray about this practice and for everyone involved?
Dealing with recurring offences
After you have forgiven offences over and over again for many years, you have just reached your very end. It may feel like your willingness to do what is right before the Lord is spent. Here are some thoughts to consider about dealing with recurring offences.
Impossible prayers
Take a moment to think about it. Are you specific in your requests to God? How about starting an “Impossible Prayers” list to pray?
Choose and start a Bible reading plan
Different Bible reading approaches work for different people. The essence though, is to ‘eat’ the Word of God on a regular basis as it is food for the spirit man. It helps us hear God’s voice, softens our hearts, convicts us of sin and stirs up a desire within to worship the Living God.
What to pray while in transition
The challenges of the past year have definitely brought many to a transition of some kind, including spiritual transition. How do I recognise whether I am in a transition right now? How do I respond to life during times of transition?
How to consecrate yourself to God
To dedicate your heart to God is to make a conscious, willing decision to surrender your soul, mind, heart, and body to God. This decision must be one of free will, mindful of the cost thereof, and flowing from a deep affection for God. You cannot keep such a resolution by striving alone.
What does it mean to consecrate your life?
Why would you want to consecrate yourself to God? Are you not consecrated once you get saved? Consecration to God is an important spiritual activity that many believers reach in their relationship with the Lord once they come into a deeper desire and pursuit of Him.
Taking an inventory of your spiritual life
There is great value in periodically evaluating the true state of our spiritual life and walk with Christ. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you prayerfully go through each of the questions provided in this article.
Pray about racism
We need a miracle to achieve reconciliation, and the restoration of economic and social opportunities for every person in our nation. As believers in Christ we have the opportunity to be part of that miracle. As Christians we need to recognise how Christ has reconciled us to God and to each other.
How to pray for strangers
We have plenty of personal problems, friends and family that keep us on our knees, so we do not really go looking for more prayer material. But does God expect us to also pray for people we do not really know?
10 Scriptures to pray when you struggle to sleep
We have all at one time or another struggled to fall asleep – that moment when your head touches the pillow and immediately your mind starts racing with fears and worries! What can you do when this happens?
Why is it so hard for Christians to pray?
Violence and immorality are on the rise. Our society is pleasure mad. False prophets – “angels of light” – have already deceived many with their doctrines of demons. Even with these powerful warnings about the dangers of neglecting prayer, Christians still find it hard to pray.
Scriptures to pray when you are under demonic attack
In the first article on this topic we looked at some signs which can indicate that we are under demonic attack. Now we will focus on Scriptures that we can pray when we know that we are under demonic attack.
6 Easy ways to pray-read the Word
When you speak from the Bible in your prayers, you will be led to an entirely different place in prayer—one you might’ve not thought was humanly possible, simply because the language of the Bible is so absolutely different than our own.
Some signs that you are under demonic attack
Not all negative things in your life are due to demonic attacks. There are, however, some signs we can look out for which may indicate that we are indeed under demonic attack.
3 Things about “Why does God allow evil?”
It is true that we do not understand the complexity of evil and “why God allows it”. He gave us a free will to make our own choices, so that we are not robots forced to do God’s will.
Teaching children to praise God
The Lord’s Prayer starts with: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name . . . ” Let us teach our children to hallow God’s name. He loves to hear children praise Him!
Gebed met die nagmaal
Laat ons dan ons oë vestig op ons Here Jesus Christus wanneer ons die simbole van die brood en die wyn neem tydens nagmaal. En laat ons onthou wat dit beteken dat sy liggaam vir ons gebreek is en sy bloed vir ons gestort is vir die vergifnis van sondes.
Prayer with communion
Let us fix our eyes on our Lord Jesus Christ when we take the symbols of bread and wine during communion, and remember what it means that His body was broken for us and His blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins.
3 Things to remember when you pray for your wife
Too often we just want to take the fast-lane and start to pray for our wives. Let God the Holy Spirit first deal with you and your own heart before you pray for your wife.
When saying “Abba Father” feels uncomfortable
Learning to pray to God as a perfect loving Father, might just become one of the most healing experiences in your life, if you are willing to take a step in faith.
3 Things about answers to prayer
God answers all prayers. When the answer doesn’t come immediately, there is a God-reason for it. Always.
3 Things to remember about sin
Sin is a very serious matter. God hates it and according to Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin is death…”
A prayer by A.W. Towzer: How to intercede for clergy
After the elders and ministers had prayed and laid their hands on AW Towzer on the day of his ordination, he withdrew to meet his Saviour in the secret place. And in the silence, he went farther than his well-meaning brethren could take him.
3 Things to remember when you pray
God responds to our prayers. Have no doubt about it.
35 Scriptures to pray for your Church
How do we pray for the Church in the midst of difficult challenges? We provide some Scripture references you can use to pray for your church.
Watch your tongue!
Our ability to keep our tongue in check equals our level of maturity as well as self-control, whether you are a believer or not! What comes from your mouth?
Scripture prayers concerning revival
A prayer for revival from Scripture that can be read together as a group or by individuals as part of their prayer or devotional times.
Inspired to pray
Hannah could be called “the First Lady of Prayer”, because she’s the first woman whose petition is recorded in Scripture. Her story shows us how God uses deep human need as a springboard to accomplish his purposes. When he does this, believers receive answers they can hardly believe.
3 Major factors that determine our present-day society
We have a society where people feel increasingly lonely, have no sense of belonging and where life has no purpose. There are 3 big factors that contribute to this today.
Families with children diagnosed with severe illness or disability
It is particularly upsetting to learn that your child has a chronic illness or disability and this puts immense pressure on marriages. Pray for these children and their families.
The revolutionary Christian heart
You can’t change merely by changing your thinking, or through great acts of will, but rather by changing what you love most.
3 Things to Remember…about God our Father
God our Father rules the universe from a throne where angels day and night say: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.” The apostle Paul wrote: “Who are you, a human being, to talk back to God?” (Rom.9:20).
3 Things to Remember… when you want to understand God
When you come to the point that you believe you, at last, understand God, you must know that the ‘god’ you think you understand, is a construction of your imagination.
Pray for families caring for a dementia sufferer
Dementia is a very trying condition, especially for those caring for a family member suffering from the disease. We look at the impact of this disease, and how we can pray for sufferers and their families.
Pray for those in prison
Jesus was so clear about believers ministering to the poor and those in prison. It is not possible for everyone to be personally involved in prison ministry, but we can pray!
How to start a prayer group (“virtual prayer wall”) on WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal
Praise God that through technology it is possible to build a virtual prayer wall – praying for His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven, so that He may be glorified!
15 Tips for effective Bible reading
Reading God’s Word is one of the sure ways to draw closer to Him and to hear Him speak to you, personally.
The power, infilling and working of the Holy Spirit
Without the power of the Holy Spirit, believers cannot live in victory and do the work God has given to us. We receive the power and fullness of the Holy Spirit by praying and asking God for it.
Pray for law enforcement officers
The individuals in essential law enforcement services need our ongoing prayers and support to enable them to execute their duties effectively and safely.
Ask God for the world
Jesus taught us to pray for the hallowing of God’s name in all the earth (Matthew 6:9). For the hallowing of God’s name as King of the nations, Lord of the peoples, Saviour of sinners, Defender of his people, Provider for the poor, Father to the fatherless, and Deliverer of the oppressed. Let us pray accordingly.
Before your suffering comes
Before the storms of suffering blow against a person’s soul, we should try to put five foundation stones under their faith.
Pray for worldwide Bible translation
At least 1.3 billion people do not have the full Bible available in their first language. Much prayer is needed for the work of Bible translation so that all people can have access to God’s Word in their heart language.
20 Bible promises to pray
The Bible gives many promises to all believers. Here are 20 of those promises that you can pray.
Pregnancy outside of marriage
An unmarried woman who receives the news that she is pregnant might feel completely overwhelmed by the choices she needs to make that will ultimately alter her own life, as well as that of her baby. This is often accompanied by shame, fear and a sense of failure.
We may know failure and lack of fruit; but the Lord is never defeated. There is no limit to His power. How can His power be shown in our hearts and lives? How can we serve the Lord in His power?
Setting up a family altar
I didn’t grow up in a family where we had family devotions together? What do I do? We provide some guidelines on how to establish family devotions in the home.
Overcoming anxiety and fear
Are you anxious about something? When you dwell on that anxiety long enough, you will start to worry about it. If you let these thoughts go unchecked, they will multiply. How can we overcome anxious thoughts?
Praise: the consummation of joy
It is not only permissible to enjoy God in worship, it is absolutely essential if we are to truly honour Him.
Hear our Prayer: Susanna Wesley for holiness
This is the second article in our series, Hear our Prayer, and features a prayer for holiness by Susanna Wesley.
Personal intercessors: A guide
A persevering personal intercessor can lift the pressure and burden from a spiritual worker. However, it is imperative to choose such a person wisely with God’s guidance. An unwise choice may do the spiritual worker more damage than good.