The Jericho Walls Prayer Alert on WhatsApp and Telegram has been established to mobilise intercessors to pray for important upcoming prayer concerns in our nation or worldwide. Individuals are invited to join this group to receive information. This is not a group where prayer requests are posted continually. A request will occasionally be launched for specific matters in need of prayer. These specific prayer sessions will be communicated to all subscribers to the WhatsApp and Telegram groups via a message.
Such times of intense prayer will last a few days only. In between these prayer alerts, this specific Prayer Alert will be dormant. The only activity will be the adding of subscribers. Jericho Walls Prayer Network will not respond to any messages sent to this number. If you would like to contact us, please call our office on +27 87 700 2006 or email us at
Instructions to join the Jericho Walls Prayer Room on WhatsApp:
- Add the following name and mobile number to your contacts list: Jericho Walls Prayer Alert, +27 84 989 8000.
- Remember, you have to save this number in your contacts list to enable the messages to be delivered to you.
- Send a WhatsApp message to this number with your first name and surname. You will then be added to the Broadcast address list.
- Instructions for each prayer session will be communicated to all participants once the WhatsApp Prayer Watch is activated for a specific issue of concern.
Instructions to join the Jericho Walls Prayer Room on Telegram:
Click this link to join and receive messages on the Telegram group:
Please Note: Jericho Walls will not respond to any messages sent to this number after your initial subscription. If you would like to contact us, please call our office on +27 87 700 2006 or email us at
Thank you for joining us as the Lord calls us to pray during these times of special prayer initiatives.
In this troubled time in South Africa’s history, the influence of and decisions made by the President of the country are critical. We want to encourage all believers to join this weekly Presidential Prayer Watch, as much prayer is needed.
You will receive a weekly message with prayer pointers to pray for current issues regarding the President of South Africa.
The prayer information can be used in weekly prayer groups, Bible study groups or cell/home groups. It can also be used in church on a Sunday as part of weekly anouncements, encouraging many more to faithfully pray for our President.
Instructions to join the Presidential Prayer Watch on WhatsApp:
- Send your name and surname to +27 84 506 9853. Only requests received directly from individuals are added. We will not add a list of names on behalf of a group.
- You will then be added to the Address List.
- On the next Monday morning, you will be added to the Broadcast list and from that week onwards, receive the prayer requests for the President.
- Remember, you have to save this number in your address book to enable the messages to be delivered to you.
- Please encourage others to also join this group, so that we will raise up a wall of prayer for our President.
Instructions to join the Presidential Prayer Watch on Telegram:
Click this link to join and receive messages on the Telegram group:
Thank you for joining us in praying for the South African president. We know that the Lord hears us and will answer us.
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. – 1 Timothy 2:1-4
Please Note: Jericho Walls will not respond to any messages sent to this number after your initial subscription. If you would like to contact us, please call our office on +27 87 700 2006 or email us at
The Isa Prayer Watch was started to mobilise and equip intercessors to pray for the salvation of the growing Muslim population in South Africa.
Literally hundreds of Muslims are monthly pouring into South Africa from surrounding countries, as well as other African nations. Some are looking for a better future, others are refugees. Many come with a desire to promote Islam among the South African population and aim to establish a mosque in every city, town and community over time.
A weekly prayer request will be posted on a Monday to point out a matter of concern for prayer, relating to Muslims in South Africa.
If you would like to contact us, please call our office on +27 87 700 2006 or email us at
Instructions to join the ISA Prayer Watch on WhatsApp:
- Send your name and surname to +27 74 838 7084. Only requests received directly from individuals are added. We will not add a list of names on behalf of a group.
- You will then be added to the Address List.
- On the next Monday morning, you will be added to the Broadcast list and from that week onwards, receive the prayer requests for the Isa Watch.
- Remember, you have to save this number in your address book to enable the messages to be delivered to you.
- Please encourage others to also join this group.
This message is sent out on a Broadcast list. This means you will not be troubled by replies from others as in a WhatsApp group, saving you data and time.
Instructions to join the ISA Prayer Watch on Telegram:
Click this link to join and receive messages on the Telegram group:
Please Note: Jericho Walls will not respond to any messages sent to this number after your initial subscription. If you would like to contact us, please call our office on +27 87 700 2006 or email us at
A Virtual Prayer Group (WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal)
A virtual prayer wall is a WhatsApp/ Telegram/ Signal group (prayer wall/room) where members of the group are invited to post their prayers. Once a week – or more often – participants can for e.g. for one or two hours at a time, actively participate by posting written and audio prayers on the group pertaining to a specific purpose and/or focus. Examples of such focus areas are: revival in the Church, or prayer for a city/town, for unsaved family or friends.
Article: How to start a prayer group (“virtual prayer wall”) on WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal
A Prayer Watch on WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal
A Mobile 24-7 Prayer Watch is a WhatsApp/ Telegram/ Signal group where members of the group take specific weekly or daily hours to pray by themselves, so that the group is praying night and day for Revival in the Church and Salvation among the Nations.
Article: How to start a 24-7 mobile prayer watch on WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal