Pupils and learners spend between 8 – 12 hours at school, 5 days a week. During this time they are subject to so many influences – the content of the curriculum, the views and opinions of their teachers, and also the impact of their peers. As Christians, we desire for our children to remain true to their identity in Christ. So we have to create opportunities to teach them the ways of the Lord and how to pray.
Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
The following material can be used by teachers, parents and churches to teach children how to pray and to understand how God wants to use their prayers to bring blessings to themselves and others.
Message to the adults (“mentors”) leading the children
Thank you that you are willing to share the Message of Salvation about God’s love, peace and blessings with the youth, the next generation and the future of our beautiful and precious country. This is a Message of Hope and a blessed future, where we can live in peace and develop our gifts and talents, benefit from opportunities and to help each other, blessing one another.
Prayer: Abba Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, thank you for this special opportunity to share your Word and love! We ask You to bless each Mentor and guide them by Your Holy Spirit. Please bless every child, every family, and every community connected to these children and their school. May Your Name be glorified! To You alone all the glory and honor belong!
Activities for 5 days
The messages are put together in a simple way and must be used as a guideline to share with the children. Please pray before each encounter and ask the Holy Spirit to prepare the children’s hearts and minds, taking every thought captive to obey Christ and the will of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Theme: God is calling us. He wants us to be saved.
It is a good idea to use the South African flag to share the message of Salvation with the children and then invite them to give their hearts to Jesus. Be very sensitive towards children who have not yet made this choice, as they may be shy to make this choice in front of their friends. Jesus is knocking at the door of our hearts and we are the ones to open that door and invite Him in. You may want to knock on the door or on a desk to explain this.
Download Monday Activity hand-out as PDF
Theme: Who is the Holy Spirit? Be still and wait on Him.
Little flags can be prepared in advance by using a piece of paper or fabric on which you draw a cross. Tie it to a little stick that the children can wave. The flag is an example of proclaiming the victory of our faith. Ask the children to become silent and to listen if they can hear a quiet voice. You can ask them to keep silent for 30 seconds or to put their hands over their ears to experience silence. Then ask them if they heard anything in their heart and what did the voice say.
Download Tuesday Activity hand-out
Theme: Agreement in prayer. Our words have power.
Encourage children to stretch out their hands towards each other and to declare life over the other person. You can ask two children to stand in the front of the class to demonstrate how to pray for each other.
Download Wednesday Activity hand-out
Theme: Word Declarations. Bring Jesus into everything!
Draw circles on paper or carton and then draw some expressions on them while the children are watching. For example, draw sad and happy faces. Ask the children to pray for a friend who may be dealing with difficult emotions.
Download Thursday Activity hand-out
Theme: Prayerwalk. Declare Scripture and walk in His light.
The Priestly blessing can be found in Numbers 6: 24-27. Children can pray this over each other, but you can also declare this over the children.
Download Friday Activity hand-out
(Source: Mostertsaad Boekie. If you would like information about similar children’s ministry resources, you can send an email to riana4july@gmail.com or contact 079 958 9696.)