To battle on your knees for your children

In her book, The Power of A Praying Parent, the author Stormie Omartian says, ‘The battle for our children’s lives is waged on our knees. When we don’t pray, it’s like sitting on the sidelines watching our children in a war zone getting shot at from every angle. Whenever you pray for your child, do it as if you are interceding for his or her life – because that’s exactly what you are doing. There is nothing like a parent, especially a father, praying for and with their children.’

Except for praying for our children, we need to teach them how to pray from Ephesians 6:11-17 (NKJV) for their own protection by putting on the armour of God daily. Teach them how to guard their minds with the Word of God! Stir up a love for the Word in their hearts. Be diligent in your prayers. Be consistent in your teaching of the Word and in your personal study and devotion. Most of all, be a godly example for your child to follow as he or she matures in Christ.

Someone recently told me about her 16-year-old daughter asking her for a new Bible, though the old one was not really that old. Puzzled by this, her mother took extra care in finding her daughter a really nice-looking Bible, suitable for her age. A few days after she received her new Bible, the young lady complained to her mother how she realised she knew so little of the Word of God and wanted to know if a lifetime would really be long enough for her to come to know God on a deeper level. God poured out a hunger and thirst after Himself in this young girl’s life that will not leave her unchanged!


Some ways to pray the Word of God into the lives of your children or grandchildren:

Read Rom.8:5-8: Pray that their minds will be controlled by the Holy Spirit so they will live a life pleasing to God, and filled with joy and peace.

2.Submitted to God
Read Ps.26:2-3, 139:2, 23-24: Pray that they will continually be open and ask the Lord to show them the true state of their heart and mind, so they will walk in truth and purity.

3.Seeking His face
Read Eccl.7:25: Pray that they will become hungry and thirsty to understand and search out the wisdom of God. That they will be able to discern the foolishness of a life without God.

Read Isa.26:3-4: Pray that their minds will be steadfast as they trust in the Lord. Also that they will really learn to trust God completely.

5.God first
Read Matt.22:37: Pray that they will love the Lord with all of their heart, soul and mind. That God will be real to them and that they will honour Him above everyone else.

6.Renewed minds
Read Rom.12:2: Pray that they will not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but will be transformed by the renewing of their minds through spending time with the Word.

7.Christ in them
Read 1 Cor.2:16b, 2 Cor.10:5, Phil.4:8-9: Pray that they will always have the mind of Christ. That the persuasions of friends and the media will not sway them.

Read Phil.4:7: Pray that the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard the hearts and minds of your children in Christ Jesus. That they will be free from fear.

9.True treasure
Read Col.3:2: Pray that their minds will be set on things above–not on earthly things. Ask God to help you model a life like this.

Read Ps.27:4-8: Pray that they will hear God’s voice and love to read their Bible and spend time alone with God from a very young age. Ask for their friends to notice their love for the Word and to join them and do the same.

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