Who am I?
Who am I?
Where do I come from?
Why am I here?
Do I matter to God?


These are some of the questions our children ask. They do not always verbalise it, but it surely runs through their minds. Young people are in a process of finding their identity. We should always be mindful of the fact that they are engaged in a constant battle to remain pure and true to who God made them to be.

It is therefore important for us as adults to guide our children and help them to get Biblical answers to these questions. In the Bible we are instructed, Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6). The booklet, Identity – who am I?, shares Biblical truth on our true Identity in Christ.

Recommended use:

  • Parents can engage with their children in facing questions and truth about identity and self-assurance.
  • As a devotional for children who can read on their own.
  • The compilation of verses in this booklet makes it easy for any person to pray God’s Word over children. Use it on your prayer walk around the school or while you wait for your children during sport activities.
  • As a resource for youth workers to encourage the youth to remain true to who God intended them to be.

Download the free ‘Identity – who am I?’ booklet HERE

(Published by: Mostertsaad Boekie. If you would like information about similar children’s ministry resources, you can send an email to or contact 079 958 9696.)

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