Hear our Prayer: Thomas à Kempis to Rest in Jesus

Much can be learned from reading the prayers of others who have spent time with our Lord in the ‘Prayer Closet’ during their earthly journey. This series, Hear our Prayer, gives us a glimpse into the prayer lives of saints who have gone before us. May it inspire and encourage us to pray without ceasing and to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer, as they did. Let our prayer be, as this one by Thomas à Kempis, to rest in Jesus above all else.


Thomas à Kempis – To rest in Jesus

Grant me, O most sweet and loving Jesus, to rest in you above every creature,

Above all health and beauty,

Above all glory and honour,

Above all power and dignity,

Above all knowledge and subtility,

Above all riches and arts,

Above all joy and exultation,

Above all fame and praise,

Above all sweetness and consolation,

Above all hope and promise,

Above all desert and desire,

Above all gifts and presents which you are able to bestow or infuse,

Above all joy and gladness which the mind is capable of receiving and feeling;

Finally, above angels and archangels, and above all the host of heaven, above all things visible and invisible, and above all that falls short of yourself, O you, my God!


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