At Jericho Walls we are passionate about equipping believers with resources that will take them deeper in their prayer life. God has called us to unceasing prayer for all people and in all circumstances. He wants us to mature spiritually and to take up our place as prayer warriors for the advancement of His kingdom.  The resources we provide will equip you with practical ways to grow in your prayer life and with inspiration to realise the impact God wants to effect through your prayers. 

Awaken the Watchmen

Awaken the Watchmen

This short 3-part series provides the vision for why 24-7 prayer is important, and practical steps to establish and sustain such prayer in the long term.

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Unlocking prayer: Fellowship with God

Unlocking prayer: Fellowship with God

Fellowship with God is such an important and central part of the Christian life. In this series we look at our relationship with the Trinity. Explore the prayer treasures from Scripture not often spoken of. Your prayer life will never be the same again!

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The Hebrides Revival 1949

The Hebrides Revival 1949

The Hebrides Revival of 1949 had a profound effect on the people of the island and even further away. There is no doubt that God visited the community who longed for Him to come.

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Unlocking prayer: Making it practical

Unlocking prayer: Making it practical

In this part of our Unlocking Prayer video teaching series we are focusing on ‘Making it Practical’, by providing prayer guidelines and material that can be used in various areas of life and ministry.

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Promo: Unlocking Prayer series

Promo: Unlocking Prayer series

Cultivating a strong prayer life remains one of the biggest spiritual challenges that most Believers face on a daily basis. This is a video teaching journey we call ‘Unlocking Prayer’.

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The Isle of Lewis Revival

The Isle of Lewis Revival

In 1949 on the Scottish Isle of Lewis, two Gaelic-speaking sisters in their eighties, were praying for revival. Then when evangelist Duncan Campbell arrived on the island, the Holy Spirit started to move among the people.

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The Sword

The Sword

The heart of prayer is praying back to God His own Word. (Isaiah 55:11). Learn to pray Scripture over your heart, mind, soul, thoughts, the work of your hands, marriage and much more…

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Die Swaard

Die Swaard

Die hart van gebed is om God se Woord terug te bid tot Hom. (Jesaja 55:11). Dan sal dit nooit ledig terugkeer nie. Hierdie boek begelei jou om Skrif oor jou hart, gedagtes, wil, emosies en verstand te bid, oor die werke van jou hande…

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John Mulinde Message 2011

John Mulinde Message 2011

John Mulinde founder of World Trumpet Missions ( had a powerful encounter with Jesus and shared his testimony about it at the International House of Prayer, in Kansas City Missouri, on March 1st 2011.

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