Catch the Vision!
What is the value of 24-7 prayer?
Why should all Christians be passionate about igniting such prayer and participate in it?
Run with the vision
The vision of the 7 Days on the Wall initiative is to have at least one sustainable 24-7 Prayer Watch established in every nation around the world in the next 10 years (by 2033), praying for revival among the nations. Let us, the watchmen, therefore not keep silent and give God no rest, until the REVIVAL comes that we all long for (Isaiah 62:6-7)!
The mission continues
120 prayer networks from 30+ nations
The 7 Days on the Wall initiative was started in South Africa after the World Prayer Assembly was held in Indonesia, in 2012. Since 2020, local South African networks have increased the number of ‘Prayer Weeks’ in their communities. To support and sustain these prayer groups, we started publishing a weekly 7 Days Prayer Guide. This prayer guide is also available in our Free Daily Prayer App.
The Mission remains to mobilise more local prayer networks across South Africa, as well as various other nations around the world, to pray 24-7 in 7 Week cycles for…
Spiritual Awakening – Is.62:6,7
Salvation of Souls – Acts15:16,17
Social Justice – Luke18:7,8
The vision of 24-7 prayer for revival has also expanded into many nations across different continents. Currently, there are 30 nations registered from Africa, Europe and Asia, all committed to participating in all seven weeks of 24-7 prayer for worldwide revival.
7 Weeks of prayer
Every prayer network engages in at least seven weeks of prayer every year. All the networks pray according to a specific theme during the same weeks. You may consider adding any local activity to your prayer focus for every week.
Be sure to register your group and confirm your participation by completing our online registration form.
Diarise the dates for 2025 and start mobilising your groups early!
“There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer.”
– Arthur Tappar Pierson
This short 3-part video series provides practical steps to establish and sustain 24-7 prayer in the long term.
Strategy for your Prayer Group
- Start planning early by inviting representatives from various churches/groups to pray and plan together on a weekly basis.
- Set up at least one Prayer Room with different prayer stations and invite different churches/groups to participate. Alternatively, you can create a 24-7 mobile prayer watch on WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal.
- Draw up a 24-7 prayer schedule and find 24 individuals to pray one hour per day for the week.
- Have an active group in place on your mobile phone for each church/group participating, running for the week of prayer only. Consider setting the group on ‘Admin Only’ after the week of prayer.
- After the first week, make time for corporate thanksgiving.
- Immediately start planning the next week of prayer, not to lose momentum towards the next 7 Day ‘Cycle’.