Practical prayerwalking ideas

Most believers are faithfully praying for many matters in our nation, cities, towns, communities and local congregations. Often though, we still wonder whether there is not something more we can do, something practical that will also involve others and make them aware of the needs in their communities.


Where did the idea of a prayerwalk originate?

The desire for people to do something practical while praying is a valid one, and especially so for the younger generation. They would more likely partake in a prayer action or prayerwalk, than simply go to a prayer meeting at church or in someone’s home.  Biblically, the idea of walking in prayer and praise around a city, is taken from the Israelites who by faith in God, circled the city of Jericho once a day for six days, and then seven times on the seventh day before the Lord stepped in and gave the city into their hand. (Hebrews 11:30). Authors Steve Hawthorne and Graham Kendrick wrote a valuable book on this topic called, Prayerwalking: Praying on-site with insight. This resouce is highly recommended for further reading.


How do you prepare for a prayerwalk?
  1. Gather as a group to pray together in one place before you go out for the prayerwalk.
  2. Confess any sins the Holy Spirit shows you.
  3. Ask the Lord to fill you with the Holy Spirit, to give you wisdom and knowledge about what to pray everywhere you go.
  4. Take along your Bible. Read and proclaim different verses as the Lord brings them to your mind. His Word never returns empty. (Isaiah 55:11).
  5. Do not go out on a prayerwalk by yourself. If possible, be at least two or three together. Larger groups are advised to split up into smaller groups of two and three.
  6. Ask for the Lord’s presence to convict people of sin and His love for them. Pray and declare God’s blessing on people and surroundings.
  7. You may pray both silently or out loud.
  8. Also look for opportunities to speak to people.  If someone approaches you, explain that you’re praying for people in that area and ask if there is anything that person would like you to pray about for him or her.  Pray with them for the requests they mention.
  9. Should it happen that someone asks you about your faith, be willing to share a brief testimony about what Jesus has done in your life. Do not overwhelm them with your whole life testimony! Then ask if they would mind if you pray for them.
  10. Pray with trust and anticipation, expecting God to answer your prayers. Also ask for the Lord to transform you, as well as those you are praying for. Be open to what the Lord will teach you through the process of prayerwalking.
  11. Invite people who have never done a prayerwalk to go with you. Do not only do a once-off prayerwalk. Keep saturating your community or work environment with prayer.

WATCH video on prayerwalking


52 Onsite Prayer Ideas

We have put together a booklet with a prayerwalking idea for 52 weeks so that you can saturate your community with prayer for one year.

The purpose of this prayer booklet is to provide one relevant prayer focus per week on communities for 52 weeks.

  1. It gives a Scripture verse to pray and proclaim.
  2. It suggests a practical action in communities.

DOWNLOAD the complete booklet as PDF

How and where to use this prayer guide
Not everyone likes sitting down and praying through a list. This booklet provides various creative ideas that will assist the prayer ministry within the local church.

It can be used by the youth groups or weekly home groups. It will also be very meaningful to display on the overhead before church services on a Sunday or to print in the weekly church bulletin or even to send out on social media platforms used in your congregation.

You may also consider using it as part of your devotional times, speaking God’s blessing over your community and mentioning the different points of need before His throne of grace.


Virtual prayerwalking

Doing virtual prayerwalking is an alternative to going out to specific points needing prayer. Learn more about virtual prayerwalking.


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