Unlocking Scripture (FREE e-book)
Guidelines for Bible reading, study and prayer
Author: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Description: Spending time in God’s Word and prayer is as foundational to the Christian’s spiritual life as water and oxygen are to our physical lives! This book provides practical tools to help with regular Bible reading, Bible study and prayer with:
- 25 Different Bible reading plans
- 11 Bible study methods
- Creative ideas to add to your prayer times
Publisher: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Secrets to Spiritual Breakthrough (FREE e-book)
Discover the prayer secrets of the prophet Daniel.
Author: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Description: Few prophets in the Bible carried such anointing and favour with God as Daniel – three times he is called ‘Beloved’. This 21-day Prayer Guide invites believers to learn from Daniel’s prayer life and also to review the condition of their own spiritual life. In as much as every believer allows these truths and corrections to change their hearts, there is the potential to bear much more fruit to the glory of God.
Publisher: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Interactive Prayer Room Manual (FREE e-book)
Find creative ideas to set up a prayer room that will encourage enjoyable prayer times.
Author: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Description: Why not set up a creative prayer room that will inspire believers to pray? This ‘Interactive Prayer Room manual’ includes 31 possible prayer stations, 7 children’s prayer stations, as well as 3 themed prayer room layouts. These ideas will help you set up a variety of creative spaces, from expensive to very low-budget ones. The aim is enjoyable and engaging prayer times for the whole family!
Publisher: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
The Gospel of the Kingdom (FREE e-book)
Sharing Christ for ordinary Christians
Author: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network, Estell Brink
Description: The main focus of this book is on cultivating a lifestyle of attentive awareness to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to reach out to others, whether they are people known to you or strangers. It explores important aspects of sharing Christ and the different roles we, as Believers, can play.
Publisher: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Download the FREE PDF
Kindle edition available on Amazon
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31 Word Prayers (FREE e-book)
A one-month prayer guide filled with Scripture-based prayers.
Author: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Description: This FREE booklet encourages and equips the Body of Christ to pray from Scripture for 31 days. The prayers for each of the 31 days are rich with Scriptures related to the topic prayed for. From prayers for the community, families, the church, government and many more, the reader will be able to pray the Word and trust God for the answers.
Publisher: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Pray the Word (FREE e-book)
Experience the power of God’s Word in your prayer life.
Author: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Description: The importance of praying God’s Word should not be underestimated. The Word of God carries great spiritual power and authority. When we pray the Word, we pray God’s will. And when we pray according to the will of God, the Word teaches us that He will answer. (1 Jn.5:14-15). The Word has power to give life and to re-create because we appeal to Jesus, the Living Word, who is able to keep His Word and to accomplish it.
This comprehensive book is a FREE resource to encourage and equip the Body of Christ to pray from Scripture.
Publisher: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Download the FREE PDF
Available on Amazon
The Sword
Praying Scripture over your life
Authors: Estell Brink & Elizabeth Jordaan
Description: The greatest prophetic voice in your life is you confessing the Living, written Word of God over your life. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10). This book directs the readers on how to practically pray Scripture over their lives, families etc. The heart of prayer is praying back to God His own Word (Isaiah 55:11). Learn to pray Scripture over your heart, mind, soul, thoughts, the work of your hands, marriage and much more.
Publisher: Estell Brink
Availability: Contact Jericho Walls to order printed books or get the Kindle edition from
Die Swaard
Bid Skrif oor jou lewe
Authors: Estell Brink & Elizabeth Jordaan
Description: Die belangrikste profetiese stem in jou lewe is wanneer jy self die lewende geskrewe Woord van God oor jou eie lewe verklaar. Die getuienis van Jesus Christus is die Gees van profesie (Openbaring 19:10). Die hart van gebed is om God se Woord terug te bid tot Hom (Jesaja 55:11). Dan sal dit nooit ledig terugkeer nie. Hierdie boek begelei jou om Skrif oor jou hart, gedagtes, wil, emosies en verstand te bid, oor die werke van jou hande, jou huwelik en huweliksmaat en vele meer.
Publisher: Estell Brink
Availability: Contact Jericho Walls to order printed books or get the Kindle edition from
The Sword – Arabic (Kindle edition)
Praying Scripture over your life
Author: Estell Brink & Elizabeth Jordaan
Description: Praying Scripture over your life is the greatest prophetic voice! This book is now available in kindle format in classic Arabic. This book directs the readers on how to practically pray Scripture over their lives, families etc. The heart of prayer is praying back to God His own Word. (Isaiah 55:11). Learn to pray Scripture over your heart, mind, soul, thoughts, the work of your hands, marriage and much more.
Publisher: Estell Brink
Availability: Available on
The Sword – French (Kindle edition)
Praying Scripture over your life
Author: Estell Brink & Elizabeth Jordaan
Description: The greatest prophetic voice in your life is you confessing the Living, written Word of God over your life. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10). This book directs the readers on how to practically pray Scripture over their lives, families etc. The heart of prayer is praying back to God His own Word (Isaiah 55:11). Learn to pray Scripture over your heart, mind, soul, thoughts, the work of your hands, marriage and much more.
Publisher: Jedidiah Ministries
Availability: Available on
Moravian Miracle
The Moravians changed the world. By God’s grace, we will too.
Author: Dr Jason Hubbard
Description: The prayers of humble believers change the course of history. A band of ragtag worshippers discovered this truth in 18th-century rural Germany, launching a 100-year prayer meeting that birthed the modern missionary movement. Often overlooked, the story of the Moravians comes to life in this incisive, devotional account. Moravian Miracle will fix your gaze on the glorious, conquering Lamb who is now gathering his church for one final prayer-saturated harvest of souls.
“Fascinating and deeply motivating.”—Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life
“A true gift to the global body of Christ.”—Mike Bickle, International House of Prayer
Availability: Available from Amazon
We have never seen anything like this (e-book)
This book is about various revivals. They are from different continents. Some are well known, some not. But all of them will take you to a place where you will see God at work in extraordinary power.
Author: Bennie Mostert
Description: Read carefully and try to envision what you read. Sometimes we can read the accounts of revival as mere facts and information – forgetting that these are accounts of God’s power in the lives of people.
May you experience the wonder of the events and may a fire be ignited in your own heart to pray for revival in your own life, church, community and the nation.
Availability: Order from
Knowing God’s will: Practical guidelines (e-book)
As our Father, God wants us to know and understand His will.
Author: Bennie Mostert
Description: According to some researchers, the single most important question Christians ask is, “What is God’s will for me?” “What does God want me to do?” So often, we find ourselves in difficult situations and want to know, “Lord, what do you want me to do?” Sometimes, we may have a problem with relationships; at other times, we may need clarity about a new job opportunity, for example. The list is nearly endless. It is, thus, important to understand that you are not the only one who struggles with this question. The answer to this question will help us to understand our purpose in life. May these guidelines, therefore, encourage and assist you in your prayer life, in your family, local congregation and every sphere of life.
Availability: Order from
God came in power: International revivals (e-book)
There is an urgent need for revival in our country and the world.
Author: Bennie Mostert
Description: Revival has a godly element that cannot be explained in human terms. Scottish preacher and revivalist, Duncan Campbell, described revival as “A people saturated with God.” When we read revival accounts, we realise how little influence the church has on society today! There is an urgent need for revival in our country, as well as worldwide.
The purpose of this book is to encourage the reader in praying with renewed fervour for revival in this day and generation as we learn about the many wonderful things God has done in previous generations.
Availability: Order from
Doelgerigte Gebed
’n Praktiese gids wat Christene wys hoe om die Skrif te gebruik in hulle gebedstyd saam met die Vader.
Author: Bennie Mostert
Description: Doelgerigte gebed is ’n “gebedskool” of handleiding wat ten doel het om mense prakties te laat bid. Dit bied 40 onderwerpe wat lesers stap vir stap wys hoe hulle die Skrif kan bid. Elke onderwerp word ondersteun deur teksverse wat reeds verwerk is tot gebede of as riglyn gebruik kan word.
Publisher: Christelike Uitgewersmaatskappy
ISBN: 9781431624980
Availability: By vooraanstaande boekwinkels
Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire
Authors: Jim Cymbala & Dean Merrill
Description: The times are urgent. God is on the move. Now is the moment to ask God to ignite his fire in your soul! Pastor Jim Cymbala believes that Jesus wants to renew his people—to call us back from spiritual dead ends, apathy, and lukewarm religion. Thirty-five years ago Cymbala’s own church, the Brooklyn Tabernacle, was a struggling congregation of twenty. Then they began to pray … God began to move … street-hardened lives by the hundreds were changed by the love of Christ … and today they are more than ten thousand strong. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire shows what the Holy Spirit can do when believers get serious about prayer and the gospel. God moves in life-changing ways when we set aside our own agendas, take him at his word, and listen for his voice.
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310251538
Availability: At leading bookstores
With Christ in the School of Prayer
Author: Andrew Murray
Description: Few books have had as much impact on calling the church to prayer as Andrew Murray’s classic, With Christ in the School of Prayer. As you saturate yourself in the timeless wisdom found here, you will discover how to prepare yourself for effective participation in the great privilege Christ has extended to believers–to join with Him in intercessory prayer.
Publisher: Whitaker House
ISBN: 9780883681060
Availability: At leading bookstores
The Imitation Of Christ
Author: Thomas a Kempis
Description: Thomas a Kempis was not a haphazard follower of Jesus. The depth of his masterpiece mirrors the life of a man who did whatever was necessary to imitate his own Savior. A Kempis lived as intentionally as he wrote. We must turn away from the things of this world, we must live sacrificially, we must be inundated with Christ’s passionate teaching, and we must pray to be removed from distraction.
‘This is the most widely published and read book on spirituality in our tradition’ – Eugene Peterson
Publisher: Moody Publishers
ISBN: 9780802456533
Availability: At leading bookstores
Power in Prayer
Author: Andrew Murray
Description: You are invited to fully experience the power of drawing close to Christ through prayer. These inspiring and practical devotions, gathered from Andrew Murray’s most beloved books, will help focus your heart and mind on the vital aspects of an effective prayer life. Accompanied by memorable Bible passages, the more than 150 readings have been edited with updated language to speak as clearly today as they did to previous generations
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780764209314
Availability: At leading bookstores
52 Onsite Prayer Ideas (FREE e-book)
Saturate your community with prayer for one year.
Author: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
Description: This FREE booklet provides various creative ideas for prayer wherever you may go. In this booklet you will find Scriptures to pray at different locations and institutions in your community, town or city. There is also a special focus on specific groups of people who require our prayers. Prayerwalking is a Biblical concept that not many people are aware of, but it can make an enormous difference as you faithfully pray on the go!
Publisher: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network
The Kingdom weapons of God (Kindle edition)
Biblical warriors rising up
Author: Estell Brink
Description: Have you suffered backlash from the enemy when you fought in spiritual battle? Do you wonder why, as a Believer, you don’t seem to get answers or breakthroughs, despite sincere prayer and fasting? Have you ever wondered what takes place in the spiritual realm when you pray?
This book looks at the Believer’s position and authority in heavenly places and what takes place there. It also gives insight into the strategies the devil uses against us and how to recognise the most obvious ones. You will also find a comprehensive guide to the weapons of God’s kingdom in this book. God fights alongside His saints in victory.
Available from
Beyond the Upper Room (Kindle edition)
Behold His beauty & practice holiness
Author: Estell Brink
Description: One of our spiritual mentors once told me; “It takes three months to become accustomed to practicing a new discipline, and six months to firmly establish it as a normal part of your spiritual life.”
As believers, we want to ensure that we live from the spirit and not from our soul. This book will teach the reader basic, intermediate and advanced disciplines of prayer. If pursued diligently, these disciplines will greatly enrich your spiritual life, and may even let you encounter the Lord Jesus Himself!
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The prayer encounters of Jesus (Kindle edition)
Pray like Jesus prayed
Author: Estell Brink
Description: Do you yearn for the close intimacy and fellowship Jesus had with His Father? Do you desire the fruits and rewards of such a close and intimate fellowship to be birthed in your life and ministry?
This book looks at Jesus’ prayer life. It touches not only on His physical prayer habits, but also the spiritual encounters He had during those prayer times.
At the end of every chapter, a meditation is included to help you practice praying the way Jesus did. Discover through The Prayer encounters of Jesus how you can develop a prayer lifestyle and sweet intimate fellowship with your Heavenly Father.
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Meditating God’s Hebrew names (Kindle edition)
Colouring book Volume 1
Author: Estell Brink
Description: Colouring excellent designs of God’s Hebrew Names and Scripture. Over 50 designs provided with download link for printing out.
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