God Story

The relationship she longed for

The relationship she longed for

Mila says, “I always wanted to have a relationship with God.” But circumstances made her believe that there was no God, so no one could judge her. Until, at her lowest point, she remembered someone told her that she could have a relationship with God through Jesus.

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Healing and hope

Healing and hope

One morning at the YWAM Multipliers Global meeting I sat next to my Sudanese friend and fellow YWAM-FM co-worker, Kris*. The time came to help those of us desiring to see more healings when we pray for people. This was my desire.

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God finishes the work

God finishes the work

Raised in a Jewish home, the name of Jesus was forbidden unless it was used in vain, which was often. But God was in relentless pursuit of Ron’s heart.

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Embracing a second chance

Embracing a second chance

Despite faithful efforts to convey the good news of Jesus to Patrin, the Albanian remained drawn to his drinking buddies and a life of worldly pursuits. “Your words used to go in one ear and out the other…”

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God never changes

God never changes

They noticed when they would get a good report from the doctor, people would say, “Praise God.” But when they got a bad report, often people would respond, “We’ll keep praying.” Gary and Susan understood God to be in both situations.

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Released from chains

Released from chains

El Gasim was surely staring death in the eye. The pastor told him Paul and Silas’ story, reminding him that he wasn’t the first to be beaten and chained for the sake of Christ. They prayed together, earnestly seeking God’s will.

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Take heart – He has overcome

Take heart – He has overcome

Aisha wanted to know more about Christian beliefs. Determined, she searched on social media to see what she could find. She thought that she could keep all this a secret, but a coworker found her Bible.

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From darkness to light

From darkness to light

Bonnie Barnett walked through the church doors every Sunday, sat next to her father, listened to the sermon, and walked out unchanged. “I walked out unchanged because the Bible was never presented, and the Gospel was never proclaimed”.

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Starving for a Saviour

Starving for a Saviour

Driven by starvation, Odo made the extremely dangerous, illegal crossing into a neighbouring country in East Asia to look for food. What he found there satisfied more than just his physical hunger!

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When the Bible circled the moon

When the Bible circled the moon

In 1968, the Apollo 8 spacecraft with its three-man crew became the first manned spacecraft to leave the earth’s orbit. But what message could they share that might help unite a world that had become divided in so many ways?

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Seeking the Messiah

Seeking the Messiah

Obadiah fled with his family from Ethiopia to Israel because of the way they were treated as Jews in Ethiopia. But he never expected anyone in Israel to talk about Jesus!

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Drawn to Christianity

Drawn to Christianity

When Taleb read the Bible, he felt a profound difference. He had read the entire Qur’an several times, but never experienced the same sensation as when he read the Bible.

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Buddha cannot save

Buddha cannot save

A Japanese man looked to Buddha during many difficult times in his life, but couldn’t find the salvation he was longing for. Then one day he bought a Bible and turned on his radio…

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A kernel of wheat

A kernel of wheat

Habib asked his Christian friend, “What makes you treat me so kindly? You allow me to stay here for free. And I’m a Muslim, and you accept me as I am.” It did not make sense to him.

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God sees the bigger picture

God sees the bigger picture

Things do not happen by chance. Even though a missionary couple could not see the big picture in the same way God was seeing it, by trusting Him with their future they were able to follow His lead.

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The powerful example of living the gospel

The powerful example of living the gospel

Nigel Keur grew up in Cape Town, where he became immersed in a gang and got into trouble with the law. Despite having money and being able to afford many pleasantries, feelings of inadequacy kept flooding him. There was a void that he desperately wanted to fill.

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Healed in a vision

Healed in a vision

Nabil and his family were refugees. He had a dream in which he was told, “A great sign—a beautiful message—is coming to you tomorrow. The sign is so great that it must be shared all over the world and with every person.”

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Finishing the race well

Finishing the race well

Eric Liddell’s athletic achievement at the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris, was not his greatest life’s work. His race of faith – particularly in China – was his greatest work, and it was the most important to him.

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Saved for God’s good purposes

Saved for God’s good purposes

Sports coach Dickens grew up in a slum on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. As his home life turned sour, he decided the streets were a better option for him. There he became a common thug and eventually a deadly criminal.

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Loving his enemies

Loving his enemies

A sheikh from the local mosque issued a fatwa, a legal opinion from an Islamic religious leader, demanding that Haytham and Mary be expelled from the community they went to serve with the gospel.

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Saved in prison

Saved in prison

Out of six months in prison, Nehad spent 55 days in solitary confinement. He regards them as the best days of his life because in that place he was comforted and knew the Lord.

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Together on the other side

Together on the other side

For many years a Romanian believer was beaten twice a week by the secret police. It is easy to become bitter, but a true Christian always seeks another person’s highest good—even when mistreated.

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When God calls you to pray

When God calls you to pray

Ellen told us she would pray for our ministry on the mission field. Ellen came and visited us in our new country four times. On each visit, she brought more people to come and pray in our Muslim neighbourhood.

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A special delivery

A special delivery

Rashid had nothing for his children, not even bread. He remembered in the JESUS-film Jesus fed a crowd with fish and bread. So Rashid prayed under the stars. “God, I believe you fed the crowd. Would you please feed my family? I ask in Jesus’ name.”

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Recognising Jesus

Recognising Jesus

They had set up this film showing about the life of Isa (Jesus). Tariq wasn’t sure he could trust them, but he was curious. About 15 minutes into the movie, someone appeared on the screen he never expected to see.

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Drawn by love

Drawn by love

“Islam says that faith is the greatest,” Danyal comments, “but in the pages of the Quran I mostly encountered torment and fear.” Hearing that the New Testament puts love at the summit, Danyal wanted to read more about the Bible.

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Reshma’s story

Reshma’s story

The world with its violence and aggression, its oppression of women, its sadness and loss were not how it had always been. There is a God who made the world beautiful and good. This news was water to the dry soil of Reshma’s heart.

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The cure for discouragement

The cure for discouragement

After all the years of preparation and language learning by a missionary couple, they feared that they would fail to make it through more than a single day in the African desert.

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The words of women

The words of women

An unfamiliar man slipped into the room and sat on a bench at the back. Respect in this culture means handing the microphone to anyone with social standing. But who is this man?

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In pursuit of truth

In pursuit of truth

In a Bible study with Muslim women discussing the deity of Christ, Maryam asked, “But how can Jesus also be God?” The study leader suggested, “Maybe you should ask God to show you the truth of who Jesus is.”

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In spite of the beatings

In spite of the beatings

Two men in north India found a family interested in hearing about the God who made the world. The meetings became regular. The neighbours began to notice and liked the stories too.

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Divine appointment

Divine appointment

We know that God answers prayer and sometimes He answers quickly! What a privilege to witness how He purposefully connects us with the right person at the right time.

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Breaking shackles of fear

Breaking shackles of fear

Everywhere she turned, Munmun felt like the evils of the world were trying to claw their way into her heart and her mind. She lived in this state for 10 years before the plight of her anxiety came to a head.

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An extravagant gift

An extravagant gift

A missionary “home” staff member had prayed many times for God to provide, but her funds were not growing fast enough. She believed, but her inner battle was doubting whether God would miraculously provide for her.

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Transformed life in New York

Transformed life in New York

Aulton was placed in a cold, dark jail cell – completely alone, with no bright future. He didn’t know anything about Jesus and didn’t want to know anything. But in that moment in that cell, he said, “God, if You are real, come into my life.”

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Great faith

Great faith

Bira discovered that we can’t know everything. “There is no point asking ‘why’ because the whys become a mire in which we might drown. We should trust the Lord.”

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Finding gratitude in hardship

Finding gratitude in hardship

Being a church-planter in India is risky, but Nadimah is so grateful for how God has impacted her life and how He is using her to share the Gospel, she is willing to accept the risks that come with it.

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A Christlike response to suffering

A Christlike response to suffering

There is a common idea that suffering and persecution always strengthens faith and leads to church growth, but this is not true. The power of prayer is what allowed Farshid to make it through the intense seasons of suffering he endured.

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Forgiving others

Forgiving others

For Christians in West African countries like Benin, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Ghana, forgiveness is hard and many have strained relationships. Yet God has forgiven us and calls followers of Jesus to do the same.

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If not now, when?

If not now, when?

An Iranian woman confessed: “I read a copy of the Quran from cover to cover. When I finished, I closed it and decided there was nothing in this book for me. There is no hope and no love in this book.”

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Jesus speaks

Jesus speaks

The Holy Spirit had awakened a hunger in Samesh to hear more from Jesus, but he was heartbroken to discover that there was no Scripture translated into his language.

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Ripples of salvation

Ripples of salvation

We must never underestimate the power of Scripture to bring faith in people’s hearts and the effect that Christian literature can have on unbelievers. Our responsibility is to make it available to them!

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Jesus sets free from fear

Jesus sets free from fear

The Holy Spirit is the One who directs us to ask the right questions and He reveals the secrets of a person’s heart, so that the doors are opened for the gospel to be shared.

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Mustafa’s story

Mustafa’s story

Mustafa began watching YouTube videos about inconsistencies and mistakes found in the Qur’an. He felt as if the scales had fallen from his eyes and that he was finally seeing things clearly.

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God uses our words powerfully

God uses our words powerfully

Lauren had rolled out of bed without making coffee, eating breakfast or even opening her Bible. That morning she felt incredibly underprepared to share the gospel at the ministry event she was going to attend.

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Why has He forsaken me?

Why has He forsaken me?

Disaster and difficulties left Baher heartbroken and full of bitterness, and made him turn away from God and the Church. He needed rescue in a hopeless situation.

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Go, spread the Word

Go, spread the Word

Satabdi did not want to accept the New Testament handed out at her Hindi school. She did not feel she needed it, because as Hindus they had enough gods and goddesses. But when the New Testament was handed out again at a new school, she dared to take one.

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Clothed in brand new skin

Clothed in brand new skin

After experiencing discomfort about his faith, an Arabian Gulf man researched Islam and Christianity. Then he contacted a digital media organisation that shares the gospel with Muslims. His testimony and love for God is inspiring!

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Finding freedom

Finding freedom

On arrival in the Middle East, a Himalayan man discovered there was no job waiting for him. He’d been tricked. He was arrested and detained by the police. What would become of him?

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Rescued by God’s love

Rescued by God’s love

Gülay and her husband, Sedat, faced adversity, but they were completely lacking love from others. When this Turkish couple visited one congregation in their home city, the church continued to show them God’s love. Any remaining doubts the couple had about Christianity were eroded.

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Searching for the truth

Searching for the truth

It’s quite common for a Muslim to have a dream about Christ. It seems to be one of the Holy Spirit’s favourite ways of getting the attention of those who follow Islam.

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Michael had been gambling with work’s money for nearly two years, and the public university where he was employed caught on. In jail he closed his eyes, picked up the Bible, and pointed to a verse.

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Praying and going

Praying and going

God spoke to a missionary and confirmed without a doubt about a specific people group in India He wanted to send him to. The missionary answered boldly: ‘I will go and do it!’

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Love for Jesus

Love for Jesus

A Syrian woman and her family fled to a country where there was more openness to explore faith and religion. In these difficult circumstances God not only changed her heart, but used her to reach many more.

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Thirst no more

Thirst no more

Various circumstances can bring a person to search for the truth of who God is, but there is just One who can satisfy the longing of a thirsty heart. This is what three Muslims found during Ramadan, the Muslim holy month.

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Dreamers and believers

Dreamers and believers

Inspired by her father’s search to better understand the Quran, a teenager named Rahel began her own search for truth by reading online about Jesus. Then she asked God, “Show me Your truth.” And He answered her prayer.

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Majid and the sheikhs

Majid and the sheikhs

A Christian’s relationship with Jesus can be a powerful witness to unbelievers. Such was the case for Majid when he saw Ben’s life and desired to follow Jesus in the same way.

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I’m baptised!

I’m baptised!

When we don’t know what the right decision is regarding a matter, God can confirm His will to us. This is what a new believer discovered in a Muslim majority country in West Asia.

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The cure

The cure

If a sickness came to town and was killing everyone, and you had the cure, would you give it to them or keep it to yourself?

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An orphan finds a Father

An orphan finds a Father

In 1980, a woman gave birth in the middle of a road in a small village in South Asia and left the baby in the street with the umbilical cord still attached. What would become of such an abandoned one?

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