God Story
The powerful example of living the gospel

Born into a family of six and raised by a single mom, Nigel Keur grew up in Cape Town, South Africa. As part of a Christian family, he went to church every week until it started to clash with sports. Nigel began skipping church to play soccer on Sundays and eventually left the church completely at the age of 11.


Out of control

After this, Nigel’s life spiralled out of control, and it wasn’t long before he was introduced to alcohol and drugs. “I tried everything,” he shared. Nigel was quickly not only taking drugs, but also dealing them and he became immersed in a gang. Soon, he found himself in trouble and he was arrested more than once, but the authorities lost his file and he no longer had to serve jail time.

It was around this time that Nigel started searching and asking a lot of questions. Nigel’s mother and other family members kept reminding him that, “You need Jesus.”

“They didn’t just speak the gospel to me, but they lived it out for me. They had peace, joy and love,” Nigel said.


Feeling a void

Despite having money and being able to afford many pleasantries, feelings of inadequacy kept flooding Nigel. “Something was missing in my life. I started feeling empty,” he explained. “I knew about God through my family, but I didn’t for one minute consider that it was God that I needed to fill the void.”

One day, Nigel wanted someone to talk to about the void that he was feeling and decided to visit his brother who is a pastor. Nigel heard a very real voice urging him that, “It is now or never”, as he was about to leave. Nigel turned around and poured out his heart to his brother who led him to the Lord right then and there.

“Now, I know everyone’s life journey is different but after more than 10 years of heavy drug use, it was gone just like that,” Nigel explained. “No cravings, withdrawal symptoms or rehab. God delivered me from drugs instantaneously.”

It was a miracle. And from that moment on, he was a changed man.


Breaking the cycle

Nigel’s heart is to help break the cycle which leads people to be trapped in dangerous situations that lead to poor choices. Nigel now works with TeenStreet, an international outreach ministry to young people.

(The original article was shortened.)
Source: OM


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