
Securing farms through prayer

Securing farms through prayer

There are specific challenges facing farming communities. The Lord has provided a ‘prayer watch strategy’ as part of securing farms in South Africa, but the strategy can also be adapted for other areas. Let us build a wall of prayer around farms for His glory. (Beskikbaar in Afrikaans).

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Prayer Circles

Prayer Circles

The concept of prayer circles is about saturating a nation with prayer by establishing a network of prayer groups everywhere, while praying for unsaved people, revival, churches and the nations. (Ook beskikbaar in Afrikaans).

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Being a godly woman

Being a godly woman

In our relationship with God, something special occurs when we value lingering in His presence and fellowshipping together. Remain in God’s presence and allow Him to transform you!

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Conditions for answered prayer

Conditions for answered prayer

When you wait for answers to prayer, do you question whether the way you pray is wrong or perhaps if God has forgotten about you? There are some conditions set out in Scripture when we pose our requests to the Lord.

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Praying for the sick

Praying for the sick

If you have a deep desire to pray for the sick, this desire was most probably put in your heart by the Holy Spirit, and all you need to do is to avail yourself of Him.

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Signs of true repentance

Signs of true repentance

A truly repentant person is zealous about casting off and turning away from their wrongdoings, even at great cost. This zeal is worked by the precious Holy Spirit within.

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Pray for the government

Pray for the government

A battle is under way in the air for political rule in each country. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 has clear instructions that we should pray “for kings and all those in authority.” How can we be faithful in praying for our nation?

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Gebedkringe is die konsep om ‘n nasie met gebed te versadig deur oral ‘n netwerk van gebedsgroepe te vestig waarin daar gebid word vir ongeredde mense, herlewing, kerke, die land en die nasies. (Also available in English).

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Plaas – beveiliging deur gebed

Plaas – beveiliging deur gebed

Plaasgemeenskappe het baie spesifieke uitdagings waarmee hulle gekonfronteer word. Die Here het ‘n Gebedswagstrategie gegee om plase in Suid-Afrika te beveilig. Laat ons ‘n muur van gebed rondom plase bou tot Sy eer. (Available in English)

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Reflecting His glory

Reflecting His glory

The word ‘glory’ means very great praise, honour, or distinction bestowed by common consent. To live a life that glorifies God is the most wonderful privilege given to man.

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Practical prayerwalking ideas

Practical prayerwalking ideas

The desire for people to do something practical while praying for their community is a valid one. Not everyone likes sitting down and praying through a list. We have put together prayerwalking ideas that can be used to saturate communities with prayer.

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Praying for teachers

Praying for teachers

Being a teacher is one of the most challenging careers anyone can choose to follow. Teachers often have to deal with difficult classroom situations, while they themselves sometimes experience problems in their personal lives.

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Facing the holiday season

Facing the holiday season

A few days ago, I stepped into an elevator with a lady who immediately started talking to me: “I’m on my way to my room now. I am going to sit there until this is over! Because I have no money…” How do we survive the festive season?

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Let them know that they are not alone

Let them know that they are not alone

Mental health has been stigmatised to the extent where people are ashamed to talk about depression, anxiety or contemplating suicide. Pray for those suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts, and let them know that they are not alone.

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Opposed for following Christ

Opposed for following Christ

We can easily lose sight of the opposition many Christians face from their own families, their circle of friends and workplace even in countries where there is religious freedom and where Christians are in the majority. How can they remain standing?

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The authority of the Bible

The authority of the Bible

People have subjected the Word of God to innumerable attacks. It has been burned, discredited, questioned, and made suspect; yet the Word is still standing. People come and go, but the Word remains forever.

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Desperate prayers

Desperate prayers

Desperate prayer is like someone drowning, gasping for air. It is to grasp at God with hope – on the basis of His character, His promises, the blood, the cross, His covenant, His invitation and His throne of grace.

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How to discern open and closed doors

How to discern open and closed doors

There are several Biblical principles by which we can discern, through the help of the Holy Spirit, whether an open door before us is within the will and purposes of God for our lives. It is vital
to consider these in every season of our lives.

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Experiencing God’s peace

Experiencing God’s peace

‘Peace’ means different things to different people. Some people long for rest, silence, and a conflict and problem-free life. However, true peace inside and around us can never be found apart from the Prince of Peace.

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Me, an evangelist?

Me, an evangelist?

All of us have the opportunity to share Jesus and we trust the Holy Spirit to work in each life we minister to every time we step out in obedience to do this. Our focus should be on looking for opportunities to speak about Jesus every day.

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Sitting at the feet of Jesus

Sitting at the feet of Jesus

We often forget God in the craziness of our busy lives. But God wants worshippers before workers; indeed the only acceptable workers are those who have learned the lost art of worship (A. W. Tozer).

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Preparing for revival

Preparing for revival

In recent years the Holy Spirit has been prodding many of God’s servants on the coming revival, so as to prepare His Church for what some predict will be one of the greatest visitations of God in history.

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Focus on God amid suffering

Focus on God amid suffering

Have you experienced times when it seems God is far away? Or when everything seemingly goes wrong and it becomes difficult to understand or feel that God is still present to hear your prayers?

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Gen Z – finding identity in Christ

Gen Z – finding identity in Christ

Young people are bombarded with so many influences from the world and media. Who are the Gen Zers and what giants do they face? How can the church help them to find their identity in Christ so they can walk in continued victory?

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The Holy Spirit in the life of the believer

The Holy Spirit in the life of the believer

The Holy Spirit is the most misunderstood member of the Trinity. He has been treated as if He were an outsider in many Christian circles. However, the Bible clearly states what the Holy Spirit does for us, in us and through us as Believers.

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Reaching out to your community

Reaching out to your community

God gives each one of His children the privilege to take part in the great task of building His Kingdom. Every believer in Christ has a role to play and we can all make a difference in our communities.

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When a natural disaster strikes

When a natural disaster strikes

Do you sometimes feel helpless as images of people in crisis flash across your screens? How can you pray and not feel overwhelmed as several disasters continue to hit the globe? Here are some prayer guidelines.

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Invitation to tabernacle with God

Invitation to tabernacle with God

Do you desire a deeper walk with the Lord? Through the Tabernacle in the Old Testament, God revealed to Moses how He wanted Israel to draw closer to Him. In Jesus Christ we have a New Testament model of how to draw near to God.

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Jesus’ blood shed for us

Jesus’ blood shed for us

With the precious blood of Christ we were redeemed and our sins forgiven. We are now reconciled with our heavenly Father and have boldness to enter the Holiest place. Let us pour out thanksgiving to the Lord, our Saviour!

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When someone has lost their job

When someone has lost their job

Hearing “You are fired” or “We are laying off personnel” can be the hardest words for a person to hear. How does one pray for someone (or yourself) who has lost a job and has not yet found something else?

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Who am I in Christ?

Who am I in Christ?

It may be difficult for you to believe everything the Word says about you, but remember that it is God who is saying these things about you. Rather believe God than your own feelings.

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Pray for a City or Town

Pray for a City or Town

We cannot pray for our town or city unless we love it and its people. Ask the Lord for a prayer in your heart such as John Knox’s when he prayed: “Lord, give me Scotland or I die!”

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The right way to do an Esther fast

The right way to do an Esther fast

What does it mean to do an Esther fast? When do you do an Esther fast? It is important to understand the context of a biblical ‘Esther fast’ and how Believers can apply it to their own lives today.

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Who am I?

Who am I?

Children and young people are in a process of finding their identity. It is important for us as adults to guide our children and help them to get Biblical answers to their identity questions.

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Seeking God’s direction

Seeking God’s direction

Although we all have a unique relationship with the Lord, the Bible gives us safeguards, principles and guidelines that help us discern what God’s will is for us in different situations.

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How do we manage to give thanks to God after a year filled with seemingly unending challenges? G.K. Chesterton said: “When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted, or you take them with gratitude”.

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Be still

Be still

Taking a moment to reflect on your year allows you to see it from God’s perspective and helps you realign yourself with God’s purposes before the start of the new year. This will give you much peace and confidence in Him, whatever lies ahead in the next year.

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Helping the Persecuted Church from home

Helping the Persecuted Church from home

Many missionaries are oppressed, mocked, imprisoned or beaten for sharing the gospel in countries where religious persecution is common. They endure enormous risk to keep sharing Christ with unreached peoples. You may ask the question – what can I do?

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Christian persecution is a reality

Christian persecution is a reality

In 2021, 360 million Christians lived in countries where persecution was “significant”. Nigeria has 4 out of 5 martyrs worldwide and Afghanistan’s persecution is now worse than North Korea. They want to know we are praying with them.

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Entering the Lord’s house of prayer (2)

Entering the Lord’s house of prayer (2)

Praying the ‘Our Father’ prayer can be likened to entering a spiritual house. In a sense, every part of the prayer can be viewed as a room of treasure to be explored. In this second article on the topic, we reflect on the last few facets of the ‘Our Father’ prayer.

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Entering the Lord’s house of prayer (1)

Entering the Lord’s house of prayer (1)

Praying the ‘Our Father’ prayer can be likened to entering a spiritual house. In a sense, every part of the prayer can be viewed as a whole room of treasure to be explored in prayer. We reflect on each facet in two consecutive articles.

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Crowns for Christ’s glory

Crowns for Christ’s glory

Have you ever wondered how you can honour the Lord more with your life? Scripture is filled with guidelines of what a life pleasing unto God looks like. Scripture also mentions the ‘crowns’ God has prepared for those who believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ.

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The Word is alive and powerful

The Word is alive and powerful

The Word is powerful because God has authority and power. God will never break His Word, just as He will never break His covenant with the day and with the night (Jer.33:20). Flowers may drop off and grass whither, but the Word of the Lord endures forever. (1 Peter 1:24-25).

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How not to pray

How not to pray

When Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, he also told them how they should not pray. Clearly this is important to remember in our own prayer life.

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Rising above the storm

Rising above the storm

Are you feeling overwhelmed by everyday challenges and life in general? Perhaps you feel that God may have forgotten you, or perhaps that your prayers are not reaching His heart and ear. What does the Lord expect from us when facing challenges?

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When God is silent

When God is silent

When you read the Psalms, you will often hear David say: “Lord, where are you? Why are you silent? Why don’t you speak to me?” What must we do in such times?

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Keep your marriage affair-free

Keep your marriage affair-free

Many marriages, Christian included, suffer devastation through one spouse having an extra-marital affair. Temptation is never far away. If you recognise some of the warning signs in your relationship, know that you can find your way back to safe ground.

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A virtuous woman

A virtuous woman

Proverbs 31:10-31 describes the virtuous woman who has a godly character and whose faith is firmly set on her Maker. How can we use this example to pray for ourselves and for other women?

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Women – a great host

Women – a great host

Women can hold on to the hope of the Lord’s promise that He has given His word of power to enable them to rise above their circumstances, to be bearers of hope and transformation.

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Prayers of Blessing

Prayers of Blessing

To bless others and to be a blessing to people should be an integral part of every believer’s character and conduct. That includes praying the blessing of the Lord over them.

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Go on to maturity

Go on to maturity

Faith does not make room for ‘treading water’ and stagnant faith will cause your heart to harden and drift away from God. The Book of Hebrews urges readers to go on to maturity in their faith and to not remain spiritual babies.

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The Fatherhood of God

The Fatherhood of God

In your relationship with God and other people, you will only continue to grow if you continuously experience a deeper and fuller revelation of the Fatherhood of God.

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Praying for grandchildren

Praying for grandchildren

Let us share our desires for our grandchildren with the Lord. When we pray according to His will, we know that He hears us and will answer our prayers (1 John 5:14-15).

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Pray the Lord of the harvest

Pray the Lord of the harvest

Prayer is crucial in evangelism: Only God can change the heart of someone who is in rebellion against Him. No matter how logical our arguments or how fervent our appeals are, our words will accomplish nothing unless God’s Spirit prepares the way.

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When to be silent

When to be silent

Have you ever felt upset with yourself for saying something that was unnecessary? It is possible for us to grow in wisdom to discern those times the enemy wants to tempt us into saying or doing things that are really not displaying the fruit of the Spirit or the character of Christ.

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Pray for Sikhs

Pray for Sikhs

Sikhism is based on the teachings of the ten Gurus contained in ‘Guru Granth Sahib’. Their pursuit is forever to strive for salvation through balancing work, worship and charity. They don’t know yet that Jesus is their only Saviour.

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A man of God is a mystery

A man of God is a mystery

A man of God commands respect without words and he is awe-inspiring, but it is not respect and awe regarding the man himself. In an inexplicable way, we instinctively know that God is in this man. Why are there so few men of God?

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10 Ways to set your mind on things above

10 Ways to set your mind on things above

In order to trust God for the impossible and to live a life that honours Him, we need an intentional focus on something other than what can be seen. Our focus is to be on things above, where God is (Colossians 3:1). How do we do that?

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God needs men (Part 3)

God needs men (Part 3)

The power of God works through men who consecrate their lives to God. This is the last article in our 3-part series exploring the characteristics of such men.

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Connecting with God

Connecting with God

Connecting with God can easily be mistaken as having a specific ‘feeling’ or ‘experience’ when praying. Although that can serve as a great bonus, what can you do when you do not feel or experience anything?

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