6 August 2024 – The possibility of a full-scale war in Israel or Iran will be devastating, bringing death and destruction. Let us therefore cry out to the Lord for His great mercies amidst this difficult time.
South Africa vs Israel
South Africa has brought a legal case against Israel over allegations of genocide for its war against Hamas in Gaza. The hearings at the International Court of Justice will take place 11 & 12 January 2024. Earnestly consider to fast and pray regarding this matter during this week.
Prayer alert – Israel at war
On 7 October 2023, the militant Palestinian Islamic movement, Hamas, launched a large-scale offensive against Israel from the Gaza Strip. Israel has now formally declared a state of war. Join us in prayer for this volatile situation.
Prayer Alert: Wildfires and flooding in South Africa
26 September 2023 – Widespread fires have occurred across South Africa in the last weeks and devastating flooding in the Western Cape during the past 48 hours. Join us in prayer for those affected.
Fighting in Sudan
26 April 2023 – Recently, fighting broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the RSF paramilitary group, resulting in hundreds of people killed, thousands injured and millions of people isolated and without access to essential services. Please pray for this desperate situation.
PRAYER ALERT: National shutdown South Africa
In light of the threat of a national shutdown, violence, intimidation and the fears of lawlessness breaking out, we encourage believers not to become overwhelmed by these threats, but to persevere in prayer.
Devastating natural disasters
As earthquakes continue to hit the region of Turkey and Syria, various regions in the Southern Hemisphere are experiencing excessive rainfall and cyclones leading to flooding and deadly landslides. Let us listen to the Lord’s voice and pray as the Holy Spirit leads us.
PRAYER ALERT: Turkey and Syria
Thousands were killed and tens of thousands injured in Turkey and bordering Syria after devastating earthquakes hit the region on Monday, 6 February 2023.
Conflict in Ukraine
During this time of conflict between Ukraine and Russia, we need to lay hold of the Lord for His glory to be displayed – regardless of personal and media opinions. More than ever, we need to exercise discernment, wisdom and withhold ourselves from choosing sides.
Ethiopia’s civil war intensifying
The civil war in Ethiopia’s northern region of Tigray has left thousands of people dead and millions displaced. A recent escalation in fighting has the potential to destabilise the entire region. Let us pray for this important nation in the Horn of Africa.