Chinese New Year (29 January 2025) is a special time for Chinese families to gather and we want to pray for them. Join for an hour (or more) of this 24 hours, to pray for Gospel movements throughout the Buddhist world and China.
Special Prayer Initiative
40-Day Bible reading challenge
From 1 Dec ’24 to 9 Jan ’25, we invite you to read the Bible for 40 Days, focusing on God and growing deeper in love with the Living Word. See what God will do in and through you – during and after this time of intense focus on His Word!
GDOP for the Hindu World – 31 October
Join Christians worldwide for a 24-hour online prayer meeting on this Global Day of Prayer. We will pray that as Hindu families celebrate during the Diwali festival, they will encounter the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Light of the world!
Word Watch (31 October 2024)
Every year on Reformation Day, Christians worldwide celebrate the privilege of having the Bible available in their own language. Join in a 24-hour Word Watch, where any number of believers form a Group on social media and take turns to read through the New Testament in 24 hours.
Global Day of Prayer for America (22 Sept 2024)
America desperately needs the healing power of God. You are invited to join in prayer and repentance, asking God to pour out His Spirit and bring a fresh awakening to His people.
France 1 Million – Summer Games
You are invited to be part of a worldwide gift of 1 Million Prayers for France during the Games. Pray for the nation, the church, the people, the Games, and more.
One Heart – Prayer for reconciliation (16 Jun – 4 Aug)
The time is right for the Church to take the lead and assist our countries to heal. Please join in this process of humbling ourselves before God so that God Himself can heal and reconcile us with Him and with one another.
Awaken SA (20 May – 9 June 2024)
Elections 2024 – This is a call to 21 days of prayer and fasting for the nation of South Africa. As the nation prepares itself for general elections on the 29th of May 2024, many are desperate and feel hopeless that things will change.
Pray for the Buddhist World (21 Jan – 10 Feb)
Join Christians around the world in 21 days of prayer for our Buddhist neighbours. This will culminate in a Global Day of prayer for the Buddhist world on 10 February 2024.
54 Weeks of prayer for Africa
24 May 2023 – 5 June 2024: This initiative invites brothers and sisters in Africa and the nations of the world to join in prayer for the healing, renewal and revival of Africa.
Isaiah 62 Global prayer and fasting for Israel (7 – 28 May)
Pray and fast for the increase of God’s salvation promises and plans for Jerusalem and Israel. Join believers worldwide who will engage in prayer for Israel for at least one hour a day for 21 days (7-28 May).
One Miracle Night – 17 April
On 17 April 2023 millions of Christians will pray for Muslims to encounter Jesus during their traditional night of power, which forms part of Ramadan. The focus will be on 24 Muslim cities around the world. Let us pray and believe for a mighty breakthrough!
54 Days of prayer for Africa
26 September – 18 November 2022. A Prayer initiative by the South African Christian Leadership Initiative ( SACLI), toward the healing of Africa from the wounds caused by slavery, colonialism, exploitation and racism.
Proposed Ancestors day 8 May – Prayer guidelines
Contralesa (Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa) suggests that the 8th of May become a public holiday, called Ancestors Day – a day for the veneration of the ancestors. Let us pray about this practice which forms part of ancestor worship.
Secrets to spiritual breakthrough (2.2.2022 – 22.2.2022)
The life, character and prayer life of Daniel provide secrets to unlocking spiritual breakthrough in our communities and nations (Daniel 5:11). This is a call to 21 days of 24-7 prayer and fasting for godly leadership in society, awakening of the Church and salvation of nations.
Unlocking Prayer video series
In February 2022 we will embark on a journey we call ‘Unlocking Prayer’. This will be done in the form of a video series. Watch the trailer and subscribe so that you don’t miss any of these teachings.
Jabez 1000
Many people want to be more fruitful in God’s kingdom and desire a deeper and closer relationship with God. This is an invitation to join other Christians to pray “The Prayer of Jabez” daily (or as often as possible) until June 2022. The aim is for at least 1000 Christians to participate.