Special Prayer Initiative
Global Day of Prayer for America (22 Sept 2024)

Jericho Walls International Prayer Network supports this initiative.


America desperately needs the healing power of God. The nation is in distress, divided socially and politically, and only through united prayer can they experience the breakthrough they long for.


Prayer and repentance

You are invited to join in prayer and repentance, asking God to pour out His Spirit and bring a fresh awakening to His people.

The event will be led by 30 global prayer leaders, lifting up prayers from every corner of the earth. You can participate from your home, church, or prayer room.


Join online

The Global Day of Prayer gathering is being broadcast on 22 September at 7AM – 10AM (EST) across partner websites and YouTube networks. It’s live with one click!

It will be free and easy to watch, and there is no need to apply for tickets.

Watch live on the www.gdop-america.org website and on the World Prays YouTube and International Prayer Connect YouTube channels.


Prayer and Fasting – 21 Days

Following the Global Day of Prayer, believers are called to join in 21 days of prayer and fasting leading up to October 12th, the Day of Atonement. Fasting has the power to break spiritual strongholds, as Jesus said, “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 17:21).



Find more information about this initiative and all resources.
Download the flyer and prayer points


Let us believe that God can and will restore America!



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