
Unlocking Scripture

Unlocking Scripture

This book provides practical tools to help with regular Bible reading, Bible study and prayer. It will greatly benefit adults, children, prayer groups, prayer rooms, and other groups of believers.

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52 Onsite Prayer Ideas (FREE e-book)

52 Onsite Prayer Ideas (FREE e-book)

This FREE booklet provides creative ideas for prayer wherever you may go. It includes Scriptures to pray at different locations, institutions, and for groups of people in your community, town or city. Prayerwalking is a Biblical concept that can make an enormous difference as you faithfully pray on the go!

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Pray the Word (FREE e-book)

Pray the Word (FREE e-book)

Experience the power of God’s Word in your prayer life. Various subjects from Scripture are provided that can help you focus on the Word during times of prayer.

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The Sword

The Sword

Praying Scripture over your life Authors: Estell Brink & Elizabeth Jordaan Description: The greatest prophetic voice in your life is you confessing the Living, written Word of God over your life. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy. (Revelation...

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Die Swaard

Die Swaard

Bid Skrif oor jou lewe Authors: Estell Brink & Elizabeth Jordaan Description: Die belangrikste profetiese stem in jou lewe is wanneer jy self die lewende geskrewe Woord van God oor jou eie lewe verklaar. Die getuienis van Jesus Christus is die Gees van profesie....

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The Sword – Arabic (Kindle edition)

The Sword – Arabic (Kindle edition)

Praying Scripture over your life Author: Estell Brink & Elizabeth Jordaan Description: The greatest prophetic voice in your life is you confessing the Living, written Word of God over your life. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy. (Revelation...

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The Sword – French (Kindle edition)

The Sword – French (Kindle edition)

Praying Scripture over your life Author: Estell Brink & Elizabeth Jordaan Description: The greatest prophetic voice in your life is you confessing the Living, written Word of God over your life. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy. (Revelation...

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Moravian Miracle

Moravian Miracle

The Moravians changed the world. By God’s grace, we will too. Author: Dr Jason Hubbard Description: The prayers of humble believers change the course of history. A band of ragtag worshippers discovered this truth in 18th-century rural Germany, launching a 100-year...

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We have never seen anything like this (e-book)

We have never seen anything like this (e-book)

This book is about various revivals. They are from different continents. Some are well known, some not. But all of them will take you to a place where you will see God at work in extraordinary power. Author: Bennie Mostert Description: Read carefully and try to...

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Knowing God’s will: Practical guidelines (e-book)

Knowing God’s will: Practical guidelines (e-book)

As our Father, God wants us to know and understand His will. Author: Bennie Mostert Description: According to some researchers, the single most important question Christians ask is, “What is God's will for me?” “What does God want me to do?” So often, we find...

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God came in power: International revivals (e-book)

God came in power: International revivals (e-book)

There is an urgent need for revival in our country and the world. Author: Bennie Mostert Description: Revival has a godly element that cannot be explained in human terms. Scottish preacher and revivalist, Duncan Campbell, described revival as “A people saturated with...

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Doelgerigte Gebed

Doelgerigte Gebed

’n Praktiese gids wat Christene wys hoe om die Skrif te gebruik in hulle gebedstyd saam met die Vader. Author: Bennie Mostert Description:  Doelgerigte gebed is ’n “gebedskool” of handleiding wat ten doel het om mense prakties te laat bid. Dit bied 40 onderwerpe wat...

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Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire

Authors: Jim Cymbala & Dean Merrill Description: The times are urgent. God is on the move. Now is the moment to ask God to ignite his fire in your soul! Pastor Jim Cymbala believes that Jesus wants to renew his people—to call us back from spiritual dead ends,...

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With Christ in the School of Prayer

With Christ in the School of Prayer

Author: Andrew Murray Description: Few books have had as much impact on calling the church to prayer as Andrew Murray's classic, With Christ in the School of Prayer. As you saturate yourself in the timeless wisdom found here, you will discover how to prepare yourself...

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The Imitation Of Christ

The Imitation Of Christ

Author: Thomas a Kempis Description: Thomas a Kempis was not a haphazard follower of Jesus. The depth of his masterpiece mirrors the life of a man who did whatever was necessary to imitate his own Savior. A Kempis lived as intentionally as he wrote. We must turn away...

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Power in Prayer

Power in Prayer

Author: Andrew Murray Description: You are invited to fully experience the power of drawing close to Christ through prayer. These inspiring and practical devotions, gathered from Andrew Murray's most beloved books, will help focus your heart and mind on the vital...

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