Some signs that you are under demonic attack

It can sometimes be difficult to discern whether we are under spiritual attack or not. Not everything that happens to us necessarily has a spiritual origin. At the same time, when something out of the ordinary does happen, it is important to spiritually discern what is really going on.


Matter of fact is, the enemy hates every living human being on the face of the earth, because we are all created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26). He has only one objective – to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). This includes everything and everyone. Most often, as Christians we forget that because we follow the Lord Jesus Christ, we are even more of a target to his wiles.  The Lord Jesus however, in His own words encouraged us from Luke 10:19 –   “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”


One of Satan’s strategies is to weary the saints of God so they will give up fighting and staying the battle. He does this by making you feel tired and discouraged, or fills you with despair and convinces you that what is happening is not really a demonic attack, but your imagination. And of course, not all negative things are demonic attacks. There are, however, some signs we can look out for which may indicate that we are indeed under demonic attack.


1. Christians must follow Jesus, seek and do His will.


Satan will always try to turn your heart and mind away from this pursuit. He will try to bring you to a point where you fall into religious obligation without active relationship with the Lord and delighting yourself in Him. A passion for Jesus Christ brings us great pleasure to delight in the things of God. Satan will try to bring apathy and coldness in your heart. This can easily happen – loving the Lord Jesus with our whole being and all our strength, while also battling the resistance of the flesh, the world and the devil, can sometimes wear you out.


2. Satan will always try to wear you out through physical fatigue.

This is a huge reality. Keep in mind that we are created beings—spirit, soul and body. When the body is weak, it has an effect on the mind and thoughts (soul), which will impact the spirit. Often spiritual breakthroughs are preceded by unprecedented times of resistance and spiritual attacks. Take time to rest well. Also, take into consideration that sometimes chemical imbalances can be the cause of tiredness or fatigue. However, when you find that the tiredness prevails, it is time to resist the devil.


3. Satan will continuously try to take your eyes off Jesus.


The enemy does not want you to experience His presence, the wonder of His character, His promises and commands, His provision and care. There are two ways in which the enemy can divert your attention. The first one is to focus your attention on the possible lack of finances, your weaknesses, or the ‘many’ people that resist and attack you and oppose the work you do in God’s kingdom.

Slowly, worry and fear start to grow. The pain and rejection and humiliation can ‘get to you’, and your heart can be filled with a desire to retaliate with bitterness and unforgiveness. Over time your heart can start to harden towards people, towards the Lord and even towards yourself. You may find it harder and harder to spend time in worship and self-pity may increase. You will notice this in the way you speak in general, and about people as well. Slowly your heart can begin to even grow cold towards God, especially if you feel that God is not keeping His promises or dealing with you unjustly.

The second way in which the enemy can attack a Christian, is to remove all resistance and make everything very easy. Especially opening doors that are not the will of the Lord, but look very desirable in a dire situation. Discernment is so needed in every step we take. Once someone feels ‘on top of the world and able to do anything’, it can cause them to fall into the trap of no longer seeking the will of the Lord, nor intentionally living a life of gratitude and thanksgiving.


4. Satan will continuously attack and discourage you in your prayer life.

Without a consistent prayer life, you will spontaneously look for something else to strengthen you. Satan can pose the solution to us in various ways: sudden opportunity for fame, prosperity, power or money are some of them. One of the very first signs that you are under spiritual attack is a weakening in your prayer life. Jesus asked His disciples: “Could you not watch with Me one hour?” Then He told them, “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:40-41).


5. Feeling overwhelmed and helpless.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by circumstances? That could be a sign that you are under attack. The word ‘circumstance’ comes from two words: circum (encircle) and stance (stand). In other words, you are standing encircled by what’s going on. It does not take long for feelings of being overwhelmed to lead to hopelessness. The Bible says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” (Proverbs 13:12). It also tells us, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). If the enemy can get you to lose hope, he can get you to stop living by faith. The moment you recognise this, immediately cry out to the Lord to strengthen you with His might in the inner man so you are able to resist the enemy (Ephesians 1:17)


6. Old habits and lifestyles may resurface.

You may suddenly be tempted to fall back into bad and sinful habits which you have set aside ‘a long time ago’. These are normally carnal desires and habits that do not bring you into closer fellowship with Jesus. Watch out for such thoughts coming to mind and resist the enemy in the name of Jesus.


7. Pulling away from godly relationships.

When old iniquities start tempting you, the next sign of spiritual attack is sure to follow – pulling away from godly relationships. Check yourself. Have you pulled out of relationships with people at church or with people in your small group? Are you increasingly beginning to enjoy the fellowship of carnally minded people? If so, you are stumbling around the battleground, and the enemy has a target on your head. Today is the day to run back to the Lord before it is too late. Do not delay. Call a friend and share openly everything that is happening to you, and ask them to please pray with you until you find yourself established in the Lord again.


Remember who you are in the Lord Jesus Christ


How to deal with demonic attacks and stand against the wiles of the evil one
  • Remember Who made you. Remember who you are in the Lord Jesus Christ. You must be grafted into the reality of these truths. God created you in a way that you can overcome the evil one and can handle the storms of life. He has equipped you, and you are not just a poor victim who has to fear the attacks of the evil one. Yes, we must not be ignorant and flippant about the power and viciousness of the devil, but we must not fear him.
  • Keep your regular times of prayer, reading the Word, praising and worshipping God, and interceding for the needs of those around you. Live in God’s presence with thanksgiving and adoration (Psalm 100:4).
  • Ask a friend(s) who will walk with you and keep you accountable. Build relationships with people who will give you wise counsel and are trustworthy.

In the next article on this topic we look at Scriptures to pray when you are under demonic attack.

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