Prayer Circles

And there is no one
who calls on Your name,
who stirs himself
up to take hold of You.
Isaiah 64:7

PRAYER CIRCLES is the concept of saturating a nation with prayer by establishing a network of prayer groups everywhere. It is an initiative that calls believers to pray for the unsaved, whether it be friends, colleagues or family.


How to start such a group
  • Establish groups of 3-5 persons (a Prayer Circle) with the goal to pray for unsaved people. When your group grows to more than 5 people, divide and start a new Prayer Circle.
  • Every person in the Prayer Circle is encouraged to pray for at least 3 unsaved people. You can add prayer topics to pray for as the Lord leads you.
  • Take some time to encourage and support new Prayer Circles you have established by sending them prayer information, as well as testimonies of what God is doing in the different Prayer Circles.
  • If possible at all, try to meet for prayer at least once a week. If it is not possible to physically meet every time, you can do a small group conference call, Skype call, Zoom call, etc.
  • Share with and encourage others to also start a Prayer Circle. Let us saturate our communities, towns and cities with Prayer Circles.


Practical guidelines

Praying for unsaved people

1. Write down the names of 3 unsaved people (or people who need more of Jesus).
 * Try to choose at least one person from another country or religion (e.g. an Atheist, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist).

2. Pray for at least 2 of more people to join you in starting a Prayer Circle. You may consider meeting in person once a week/month to pray by name for those on your prayer lists.

3. Four basic steps to reach out to an unsaved person:

  • Start praying for those on your list. Ask God to bless them in all spheres of their lives (marriage and family life, work relationships, social needs, friends, personal challenges, health, finances, spiritual needs, etc.)
  • If possible, reach out and start building a friendship with those on your list.
  • Identify any personal needs they may have. Tell the person you will pray for those needs, and if possible, do that right away.
  • When and where appropriate, start natural conversations with them about Jesus. Pray also for them to be exposed to the message of the gospel – conversations with other Christians, radio or TV programs, internet, personal encounters with God (through the Word and the Holy Spirit.)

4. Scripture verses to pray for unsaved people:
John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9; Luke 5:32; Ezekiel 18:23; 1 Timothy 2:3-6; Mark 10:27; John 5:21; John 6:63; Hebrews 2:4


Praying for the community and the nation

In addition to the primary goal of a Prayer Circle to pray for the salvation of people (also from other religions), you can sometimes add more topics. However, remember to keep salvation of people as the main focus. The following are topics that you may want to add to your prayer times:

  • Revival in your church / Spiritual leaders / A deeper walk with God
  • The poor and needy
  • The economy of the country / Corruption / The government
  • The media
  • The youth
  • Prisoners
  • The judicial system
  • Your workplace
  • Your ministry in the church
  • People struggling with bitterness, emotional hurt or involved in the occult
  • Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists

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