God Story
Deliverance from an evil spirit

Frontline workers from World Outreach in Southeast Asia have a powerful, personal testimony of deliverance.

‘Recently we visited one of the ladies who was baptised a while ago. Her daughter and son-in-law had come to stay with them because the son-in-law was mentally and physically disturbed. When we got there, they told us they had been waiting for us to come so that we could pray for him.

At that stage he was using hand signs and groans to communicate. We were told that he was being troubled by an evil spirit. We spent time praying for deliverance and leading him to forgive someone who had hurt him. When we left he looked a lot better and was able to speak again.

The next day, two of our team members went to follow up. The man told them that his leg was 90% better and that the bothering spirit had left him. He was excited to see them and was speaking normally. They explained to him that now that the ancestral spirit had left, he needed to be filled with the Holy Spirit or else the other spirit might come back. To be filled with the Holy Spirit, he first had to be holy and this was only possible if he accepted the divine gift of forgiveness and became a follower of Jesus. That day he accepted Jesus and was prayed for the filling of the Holy Spirit. He was a different man when I saw him the next week.’

Source: World Outreach

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