Jericho Walls International Prayer Network focuses on mobilising, equipping and informing Christians for effective prayer. We also partner with local and international organisations and ministries to further the work, role and networking of prayer globally. These united prayer mobilising initiatives serve the global Body of Christ to become more effective in prayer for the glory of the Lord.

Network partners

International Prayer Connect

INcontext International

Operation World

Intercessors for South Africa

Operation Mobilisation

Campus Crusade for Christ

Unlimited Prayer Frontiers

SA Prayer Movement for Change


Movement for African National Initiatives

Wycliffe Bible Translation

The Word for the World

24-7  Prayer

South Asia Prayer Council

South-East Asia Prayer Council

Finishing the Task

Jerusalem House of Prayer for all nations

International House of Prayer Kansas City

Shalom Ministries South Africa

Intercessors for Uganda

Global Intercessors (Zimbabwe)

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